Show me your conky setup including the configuration files. 🖌

There is no necrobump in “showcase” :slight_smile:


Greetings Conky fans.

Thanks to this thread, I found out how to use Cairo graphics with conky, and was inspired to outdo myself in conky prowess.

As a weather tragic, I have a station that beams observation data to a server, I wrote a python script to call the API and bring back the data, to display as text in Conky. This saves me from going to my weather console (or looking out the window) to see what the weather is like.

I now have modified this to show visualisations of weather data. While the basic gauge was cribbed from the internet, I had to do the gradients myself as it seems Cairo did not do gradients on an arc. The wind and rain were easy enough to do once I understood Cairo arcs.

Such gauges could be used for other CPU stats, if you love conky/lua eye candy.

The background is just a random background wallpaper, but the astronomical theme is nice when weather is the topic.


System Info -config
Clock - config


My Gold Garuda :slight_smile:

And here's the config file (I forgot on the original post): conky.conf


I think I misspoke in the headline here at the time.

It's not just about showing his screenshots with the conky representations.

It would be nice and helpful to post the conky files as well.

Good examples can be more helpful than some man page :slight_smile:

Show me your conky setup is now
Show me your conky setup including the configuration files.

Thanks for your support to make the Garuda desktop interface more attractive. :slight_smile:


Can you post the config file for this.?

Here is mine.

Here is the Conky txt file and the lua rings file.

Had to modify it quit a bit but it was fun, first attempt at lua rings and cairo, which it requires. I editing on your end will be required as sensors nw drives and such.
locations are done by x-y ordinance.

By the way, anyone know what wallpaper this is?


It is this one:


Awesome thanks

You mind sharing your template, the name or link go Conky?
Looks nice, the one on right is what I’m interested in, on a laptop so
smaller screen.

Greetings Conky Lovers

I did showcase my weather data stuff here Show me your conky setup including the configuration files. 🖌 - #64 by soficshifts . No code though.

Well, I finally got round to getting them on Git. All my conky stuff (i’ve done a few clocks also) is here - you can peruse through the images.

If you like to hack, or want to find out more about conky, lua, and cairo, the dials have been ported to a library script, and the clocks are documented with the code and configs.

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Hi there,im new on linux and Garuda, can u point out where to get the icons on your desktop are located?

Hi I’m trying to use the skin from post Show me your conky setup including the configuration files. 🖌 - #66 by mrdhobbs and it references font “Poky” which I cannot find anywhere for the life of me. I have installed all the fonts I could find in octopi and it’s still not available. It’s used for the cpu gpu etc symbols.

Thanks for any advice!

edit: screenshot here

Poky seems to be a Yocto Project.

Sorry, my mistake. What is probably meant is the font Poky

Years ago there was Poky in the OCS store. Unfortunately, not anymore these days.

I found that font but that’s not the right one, if you look at screenshot in the post 66 you see icon for cpu, icon for memory, icon for disk etc, if you look at my screenshot here you see letters d, x, y, a, M, which I presume would correspond to the symbol in the Poky font (like Wingdings in Win)

inside the conky.conf:

${voffset 0}${goto 15}${font Poky:size=24}d ${voffset -7}\
${alignr 15}${font Cantarell Regular:size=16:weight=bold}${time %H:%M}${color}

Cantarell exists, but Poky as you said I only found the yocto project or the curly cake decoration font (which I tried and it just makes the letters cuter :smiley: )

I’ll see if I can get the conky config uploaded to Github, which will include the font files. Give me a few minutes :wink:


Here you go: conky/.conky/fonts at main · mrdhobbs/conky · GitHub (the font file is called PokyRegular.ttf)

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Many thanks!

It’s been awhile. Anyone have new/unique Conky configs? Maybe with weather or news ?

I added temperature for CPU, GPU discrete & integrated, and SSD.


A post was split to a new topic: Somehow conky got installed

lol i was playing around and see closed (need some help with conky)lol.but anyway not finish.

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