Somehow conky got installed

not sure how but on my laptop somehow conky got installed, the thing is I didn’t install it, using Garuda kde edition on it, laptop is ASUS Republic of Gamers brand, I did the normal updates, and installed a few apps, yestorday conky had installed itself on the kde plasma desktop, I could not move it , it was locked into the left upper side of my screen, I was able to uninstall it using pacman, again I didn’t install it, and during the updates it somehow ended up on my laptop pc.

Welcome :slight_smile:
I moved your post from “Show me your conky …”
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Issue still unresolved? Then:

  • ONE issue per topic.
  • Describe your issue in detail. The more we know, the better we can help
  • Show us the results of your searches, and what you’ve tried
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Review what you installed and updated yesterday.
Garuda-update has a log file (/var/log/garuda/garuda-update), or search in the pacman log, e.g.:

cat /var/log/pacman.log | grep '2025-02-22' | egrep 'installed|upgraded|removed'
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I would like to do that for you, but I kind of reinstalled Bazzite nvidia stable back on it already, I used my USB drive, and I am using venjoy found from opensuse universal app, anyway I keep the iso images on my USB drive for difference linux like if I have a problem with one, also the hyboratiing the laptop didn’t work correctly, which I think caused plasmashell crashes maybe, also the Global Themes – System Settings were not switching correctly on the install something did go wrong with it, since after changing the theme, I had to log out and back in to change the desktop on my laptop. so also I had uninstalled conky after it had installed itself, I did some pacman -Sy commands like calibre, kodi, vlc, dosbox and scummvm none of these should of installed conky, I also did a system update on that arch system which should not of installed it either,

I used emudeck from their website, has a emudeck download, plus in yay -S emudeck also was a installer not sure if either of these had conky in it? I tried to install it from two difference sources, since it was failing under app from their website

and the yay version, I also use snap but not on arch linux, and flatpak flathub sometimes in linux but I don’t recall installing anything from them during that day, I had used yay -S for google-chrome and edge-stable from the yay installer for microsoft edge. otherwise I cannot think of anything in those that should of included conky, also wine and lutris was installed I think and steam and a few of its apps, also used Garuda Gamer installers.

TheUser@bazzite:~$ fastfetch
                                            TheUser@bazzite
   %%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%             󱋩  bazzite-nvidia:stable 
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%           󰣛  Bazzite 41 (FROM Fedora Kinoite)
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%###           Linux 6.12.12-203.bazzite.fc41.x86_64
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%######        󰅐  34 mins
  ==                  =======######       󰔠  Spawned on Feb 23 2025
  ==                  =========##### 
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%####======#####     󰾰  GL702VSK (1.0)
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%#######=====#####     󰻠  Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ (8) @ 3.80 GHz
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%#########=====#####     󰍛  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Mobile [Discrete]
  %%%%%%%%%    %%##########=====#####       4.05 GiB / 11.62 GiB (35%)
  %%%%%%%%%====###########=====######       18.39 GiB / 929.93 GiB (2%) - btrfs [Read-only]
   %%%%%%%%====#########======######      󰍹  1920x1080 @ 144 Hz in 31" [External]
    %%%%%%%=====#####========######         100% [AC Connected]
      %#######==========#########         󰕮  KDE Plasma 6.2.5
        #######################             KWin (Wayland)
          ###################               bash 5.2.32
              ###########                   Ptyxis 47.6
                                          󰏖  2671 (rpm), 44 (flatpak)

                                           ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sorry, so its too late for me to run that command, I read your comment or reply after I had already switch the linux distro on my laptop. I would of loved to of shared that before I delete the partition and reinstalled Bazzite to my laptop, again I didn’t check this page before I had done so otherwise running that command now, just will not work in a fedora based linux.

cat /var/log/pacman.log | grep ‘2025-02-22’ | egrep ‘installed|upgraded|removed’

What Happens if that command is run from Bazzite or Fedora linux Here, pacman is not a thing on that distro, shared as a example

TheUser@bazzite:~$ cat /var/log/pacman.log | grep ‘2025-02-22’ | egrep ‘installed|upgraded|removed’
bash: upgraded: command not found
bash: removed’: command not found
cat: /var/log/pacman.log: No such file or directory

I would of shared it if I didn’t already switch linux distro’s on my laptop tonight. I keep going back to the atomic versions of linux since it seems more stable to me, I don’t like crashing apps. I might install garuda in the future if I find out they switch to a atomic build like fedora’s silverblue or kinoite, I like arch package system, but not fedora’s rpm-ostree RPMs based linux, what I will not like ever use again is gentoo, I never liked spending hours compiling system in order to update a system. gentoo took too much sleep away from me years ago. secure boot on or off, I think its better to keep it on, but I also feel like secure boot was made for windows, since older laptop’s use bios not secure boot.

other comments on stuff like chrome flex and linux on legacy bios laptops

I still have two laptop’s that are legacy bootup devices. been playing with them again, and booting up new linux on them, the laptop’s that still work, just their intel 3D and processor are no good for gaming, they can run google chrome’s flex but that’s like just a browser for them, which makes their built in DVD drives unusable in chrome flex I think, I tried it once and didn’t like it so I switched them back to linux. its been awhile since I had installed chrome flex, I am not sure it still runs on them or not, I had tried flex on them like a few years ago, maybe its improve but I am not sure, the fact chrome flex doesn’t support nvidia hardware keeps me from using it on any of my other devices, since ever other device I have has nvidia 3D in them and not intel 3D card, so that keeps some stuff from not working in the gaming type stuff, its too bad that they dropped the ball on that one and didn’t include working nvidia drivers at all, its funny that they say that chrome flex can run on any hardware device when that’s just not true, at least I recall hearing that, anything that doesn’t have a intel processor with intel graphics, I did have one processor like that and that pc broke on me, plus the rest of its hardware just was too good I guess for chrome flex, sorry if I got off topic.

otherwise I love rolling editions of linux, but I like to keep things stable while I have games installed.

I’m sorry, but this topic has become too confusing, and I don’t see a way out to clean things up.
Also because I see:

This was a troubleshooting step valid only on Arch or Arch-based distributions.
So I am closing…


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