Set Default Sound Profile when connected to HDMI


Is there any way to set default profile for sound to HDMI (in my case - a TV) whenever a HDMI output is detected?

Can I use the instructions from here?

Also, I had the volume key issue, which was resolved after I rolled back to pulseaudio ( link )


Pavucontrol is a great little utility. Use it in conjunction with Paprefs and it should work just fine. What does your experimentation with it show you?


If you mean setting with GUI, why not try?
If you mean automatic setting, this is a personalized preference and is not implemented, since it is easy to do it via classic GUI setting.
Or use a udev rule to run a script or a command.
Here is an example (you need to study about udev and experiment)


Being brand new to Linux, I prefer using instructions with little to no modifications, if possible. For now, every time I restart my laptop, fortunately, it is picking up the HDMI Audio Output. Thanks for the input. I'll certainly put sometime into studying udev. :slight_smile:

Hier haben wir ein gutes Beispiel dafĂĽr welche Benutzer wir nicht im Forum unterstĂĽtzen werden.

Here we have a good example of which users we will not be supporting in the forum.

[quote="Maverick, post:4, topic:2883"]
Being brand new to Linux, I prefer using instructions with little to no modifications, if possible. For now, every time I restart my laptop, fortunately, it is picking up the HDMI Audio Output. Thanks for the input. I'll certainly put sometime into studying udev.
[/quote] :slight_smile:


That is discouraging. But thanks, I'd rather move to a distribution that supports new users; I had higher hopes, I guess. :expressionless:

Well there is some reasoning behind this. Spoon feeding users can of course be done but there are no long-term benefits. The following wraps it up perfectly imo:


This makes more sense than SGS' reply (which is truly discouraging for new users). TY :slight_smile:


Ok, sorry

Next time I will check double.

I got for your text different answers in translation. Seems google make "sometime" to "sometimes"

I'll certainly put sometime into studying udev.

google / tablet

Ich werde sicherlich irgendwann in das Studium von udev investieren :slight_smile:

deepl / PC

Ich werde sicherlich einige Zeit in das Studium von udev investieren :slight_smile:


Don't worry. He is just... German... Language difficulties are misinterpreting intentions.:wink:


Eh :smiley: But I can confirm, the above example of the translation does have a completely different meaning the me, first one sounds rather not serious while the seconds one doesnt :thinking: