Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)

Actually I installed a different OS on my drive and that made it's own grub installation and couldn't detect Garuda for whatever reason. Neither could my MX boot repair tool. I tried chrooting into Garuda but update-grub would tell me that it couldn't find a root partition I think and it was asking whether /dev was mounted? I have no idea what the problem was and researching that error message wasn't very helpful.

Eventually I figured out I could just set the Garuda partition to highest boot priority in UEFI BIOS and everything was back to normal. I am still confused why I ran into so many grub problems. It's the first time os-prober couldn't find a distro and the first time update-grub wouldn't work in chroot (I've done it successfully many times before).

EDIT: Also when I mounted the garuda partition I didn't see the usual root directory but rather something like
@ @root @home
and so on with a few other folders. What's that about actually? I've never seen a root partition like this


Yeah, because we use BTRFS. Many other distros without BTRFS won’t recognize Garuda Partition :sweat_smile:
But with fedora adopting BTRFS by default, (maybe following us :wink:) the problem may be solved out soon.

So what you should do is boot into Garuda Linux Live cd/dvd/usb/ bunch of floppies and use Garuda-boot-repair.

To be honest, I also have limited knowledge them :sweat_smile:
All I know is that they are called subvolumes and they make system a bit more organized.


I suspected it's something to do with BTRFS but didn't know how to fix it. Anyway thanks a lot for the information!


Another OS was installed after Garuda. Each OS insists on making itself first in boot order, and many debian distros can't boot Arch family distros (and some can't deal with btrfs as noted above.) Fixing the boot order was the appropriate repair.


Another alternative is to install rEFInd, and use it to boot. In the case of Garuda, you would choose the option that starts up grub (because of the btrfs features) - other any other distro would depend on what it is. I use it because I have a number of different distros on the go (mainly Arch based), and it is MUCH simpler and faster to keep organized, and you don't need to put up with os-prober and its wrong guesses anymore! :grin: In particular, the grub rebuild on Garuda is MUCH faster without it (as it is elsewhere) and in some cases you can dispense with grub altogether.


BTW whats cubocore i found it in iso-profiles

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There are many adaptations in indian languages. In my language telugu, it is garuda with the a pronounced fully.
In some other languages it's different. I prefer it garuda because in telugu every word starts and ends with a vowel with which I feel more comfortable(we add vowel sounds to consonants they usually form staccatoey sounds by themselves like k is not kay when we refer it as a letter but it is k with an abrupt stop)


Since when does @petsam have a different profile picture .

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When aliens aborted their Earth mission, I went to the barbershop and changed my appearance to hide from humans. :rofl:


Shhh... don't let on.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I also found out that you can install unityDE in arch I am surprised we dont have a unity edition.

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Cleaning out my old bookmarks in Firefox tonight. :scream:
Removed more than 200 and still have about 200 left.
How many bookmarks do you have? ( Just a guess ) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I used to be a storage pig on bookmarks as well. However I just gave up on the huge collections as they got so quickly out of date. I'm way more inclined to store the entire page as a single HTML complete file nowadays. That way if the online source disappears I always have it for reference. No more massive collection that I need to run dead link checkers on regularly. No more endless organizing, and copying into a new browser install. I just gave up on it all after I started tiring of this.

I just find it far simpler to perform a quick web search for what I'm looking for now. Search engines have come light years since when I used to keep massive bookmark collections. Kind of just another addiction from my youth that I've kicked (mostly).


I am guilty of hoarding bookmarks. I clean them out every year or so, but I still have a ridiculous number of them. I do keep them well-organized, and a lot of them are for obscure niche things that took a while to locate via search engines.

Some of them no longer lead to an existing page, but the recorded name of the bookmark still gives me information that I can use.

Are you ready? I have just under 4000 bookmarks :scream:.


I think you need to form a self help group. I'm thinking you could have a problem, and this is coming from an avowed hoarder with probably well over 30 terabytes of storage.


But I need them! You never know when you might need a bookmark to a Romanian storefront that sells Torx screwdrivers with hand-carved reindeer bone handles!


Well when you put it that way, it is of course perfectly understandable. :crazy_face:


I feel a little better now. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: