Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)

Get well soon bro. :smiley:

Dang, that’s definitely one way to make someone reconsider marriage. :rofl:


Get well soon, Bro!

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Get well soon @Bro !!!

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DARN :frowning:
Please rest some days, I do not know how good is your medical insurance, but listen to them.

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you fought the budgie and the budgie won next time pick on something your own size. Seriously be careful as we get older things hurt and take longer to heal. all the best from Peru and Lluvi and this old twat


Cool! I’ll do the other side next.


I think it’s the perfect reply. If you’re not married.

My wife doesn’t much care for it, but does admit that there have been times…

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My love goes to Lluvi & brats, Peru, and even you, you silly old goat. :heart:


Not all women are attracted to scars, or maybe, I have just been unlucky…
I do have scars, anyway.

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speaking of scars do “medical scars” count. :eyes: I have had chicken pox twice so got a lot of those scars all over my body… :thinking:

As far as I know, only “dueling scars” from foil, saber, or cutlass count, and even then they must be earned in some complicated French manner.

So we must consult our French forum friends to educate us on this topic, IMHO. :wink:


ah dang. I do have a few more scars from all the times I have been stupid. Maybe if I can come up with a convincing enough story… :smile_cat:


My scars are big, but they are mostly medical. Those were life risking operations, if this detail has any value.
And, of course, they were successful, and I recovered.
OK, I do have a scar on my right cheek, from when I cut my cheek open as a kid, in an accident. And another bellow my Appendicectomy scar, because I cut my side with a semi truck.

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dang man seems like you have a pretty eventful life.

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On a side note I was just watching youtube and just found out you can write inline assembly in C… :skull: The guy went on to complete the leet code’s two sum problem writing an O(n^2) solution with it and it still beat 90% submitted solutions according to leetcode…

Goddamn I learn something new about C and C++ everyday these days. Just when you are thinking okay what else could it possibly have in store for me and it does…


Almost right. A scab is a cut sustained in a student’s scale and the resulting scar. Until the student associations were dissolved during the National Socialist era, a slap in the face was often considered the typical identifying mark of a German academic.

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Don’t use my wife as a lever to get one over on me old timer.Any way i have a few scars do bullet holes count as i have 2 or burn scars.


You know, you’re so ugly, if brains were fish…well, you still wouldn’t have any. ¹


O now you are showing your true colors. you big fat bully

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