I abandoned GNOME - the most beautiful, but far too stiff DE - in 2019, and switched to sway, that fits my workflow best. As I am a compulsive DIY enthusiast, until now I wrote quite a lot of stuff to give sway the feel and look to my taste. Feel free to use it for even better sway experience.
nwg-shell is not really a thing so far, but rather a set of my projects aimed (at least primarily) at sway. Let me introduce them to you.
autotiling: a script that uses the i3ipc-python library to switch the layout splith/splitv depending on the currently focused window dimensions. Works on sway and i3.
Azote: GTK+3 - based picture browser and background setter, as the frontend to the swaybg (sway/Wayland) and feh (X windows) commands. Developed with multi-headed setups in mind. Azote also includes several colour management tools.
nwg-launchers: a set of launchers including application grid, windowed dmenu replacement and a multi-purpose button bar. This project is a C++ successor of sgkt-menu, which was written in python, but turned out too slow. As I'm in fact useless at C, it's been heavily improved by Contributors, first of all Sergey Smirnykh.
nwg-panel: GTK3-based graphical panel with all the bells and whistles you might have loved in tint2. Includes the Controls module, that displays a GNOME-like popup window, and 7 other modules: Clock, CustomButton, Executor, Playerctl, Scratchpad, SwayTaskbar, SwayWorkspaces. Supports tint2-like executors, so may display anything you want.
gopsuinfo: Go version of my old psuinfo python script. Provides output to use in nwg-panel executors.
nwg-dock: not yet packaged last piece of the puzzle, written in golang. Displays a dock for dock lovers.
Almost ready: nwg-dock. It's a fully configurable (w/ command line arguments and css) dock, written in Go, aimed exclusively at sway. In the pictures below shown together with nwg-panel. Help in the last screen. More info on GitHub.
Hey dude, I like what you've done with things on the Wayland side. I remember talking with you back in the fall, nice progress since.
I'm not sure (as you said yourself) the dock is what I expect with Sway (for instance), but the possibility of putting together something closer to a traditional GUI DE as a gateway drug for non-tiling users is quite neat.
Have you seen the River project? Much like bspwm. I could see it being tricked out nicely with your tools...in fact I may try that and see what works w/o sway ipc.
Anyway, thanks for your work!
Initially I wanted my stuff to work on as many WMs, as possible. It’s a mistake, that inevitably leads to unwanted trade-offs. And testing takes ages. For instance: current development version of nwg-launchers Siborgium is working on behaves perfectly well on sway, but still can’t be published due to X11-related issues. I do regret not limiting its appliance to wlroots-based WMs only.
Have you seen the River project?
Not yet. What I would expect to work: Azote, nwg-launchers, nwg-panel (except for SwayTaskbar & SwayWorkspaces modules). But I can’t be sure.
Possibly one day I’ll be able to add some wlr-taskbar to the panel, but for now it exceeds my skills. I’m just a hobbyist, after hours programmer, not a pro.