That should be worth a small inquiry in the Bundestag.
What will be the costs in 2024 for closed source software (M$ and others) in the federal and state governments as a whole.
IT cost explosion at the federal government is a devastating waste of taxpayer money
The Federal Administration paid 1.2 billion euros for software licenses and IT services in 2023 - a whopping increase of 57 percent compared to 2022.
âŹ4 million goes to the Sovereign Tech Fund and âŹ526,000 of that goes to four people for 15 months. The rest continue to work there on a voluntary basis in order to perhaps be independent of M$ and the like at some point.
The relation again
âŹ1.20 billion to âŹ4 million
Itâs a shame.
In its distress, existing software providers will certainly increase prices further and further. All because incompetent or corrupt governments around the world have allowed this to happen.
Weâll continue to improve this functionality, and if you find sensitive information that should be filtered out, for your context, language, or geography, please let us know through Feedback Hub.
The users are once again the free testers and employees who are allowed to work free for M$.
M$ canât get it together again.
It is the current year, so I canât imagine why anyone serious would use this niche gaming platform ridden with spyware. Itâs not 1995 anymore, you can play games on Linux now.
Itâs not that they canât get it together. Itâs the FACT that this is DELIBERATE. Microshit, CrabApple, and Goggles three truly evil corporations.
Just nuked Win 11 install from my new Kingston nvme and installed garuda kde lite.
Feels like Iâve reached heaven already and speedily
Ich weiss nicht, ob ich das hier posten sollte oder darf. Vom Thema passt es schon hier rein. Ich möchte darum bitten, keine politischen Diskussionen zu starten und sich nur sachlich darĂŒber auszutauschen.
Sollte das Forenteam der Meinung sein, dass dies nicht hierhin gehört, dann einfach löschen.
Ich bin gerade schockiert was sich unsere Obrigkeit mal wieder feines ausgedacht hat.
Es wird jedenfalls weitreichende Konsequenzen haben und ich glaube nicht, dass dies innerhalb der EU auf Deutschland beschrÀnkt bleibt.
Liest man die betreffenden Gesetzestexte, stellt man recht schnell fest, dass, wie so oft, Kinder- und Jugendschutz nur vorgeschoben sind und im Gesetzestext an einigen Stellen nur beilĂ€ufig ErwĂ€hnung finden. Nur ein kleiner Auszug aus den Ănderungen:
MaĂnahmen gegen Anbieter von Telemedien oder Betriebssystemen mit
Sitz in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat sind auf Grundlage dieses Staatsver-
trages zulĂ€ssig, wenn die MaĂnahme
- zum Schutz
a) der öffentlichen Sicherheit und Ordnung, einschlieĂlich des Jugend-
schutzes, insbesondere im Hinblick auf
aa) die VerhĂŒtung, Ermittlung, AufklĂ€rung, Verfolgung und Vollstre-
ckung von Straftaten und Ordnungswidrigkeiten,
bb) die BekĂ€mpfung der Verunglimpfung aus GrĂŒnden der Rasse, des
Geschlechts, des Glaubens oder der NationalitÀt,
cc) Verletzungen der MenschenwĂŒrde einzelner Personen oder
dd) die Wahrung nationaler Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsinteres-
b) der öffentlichen Gesundheit oder
c) der Interessen der Verbraucher und der Interessen von Anlegern
erforderlich ist, - ein bestimmtes Telemedium oder Betriebssystem betrifft, das die un-
ter Nummer 1 genannten Schutzziele beeintrÀchtigt oder eine ernst-
hafte und schwerwiegende Gefahr einer BeeintrÀchtigung dieser Ziele
darstellt, - in einem angemessenen VerhÀltnis zu den Schutzzielen nach Num-
mer 1 steht.
------ English Version ------
I donât know whether I should or am allowed to post this here. The topic fits in here. I would like to ask you not to start any political discussions and to only talk about this in an objective manner.
If the forum team is of the opinion that this does not belong here, then simply delete it.
I am shocked at what our authorities have once again come up with.
In any case, it will have far-reaching consequences and I donât believe that this will be limited to Germany within the EU.
If you read the relevant legal texts, you quickly realize that, as is so often the case, the protection of children and young people is only a pretext and is only mentioned in passing in some places in the legal text. Just a small excerpt from the changes:
Measures against providers of telemedia or operating systems based
based in another Member State are permissible on the basis of this treaty if the
treaty if the measure
- for the protection of
a) public security and public order, including the protection of minors
protection, in particular with regard to
aa) the prevention, investigation, detection, prosecution and execution of criminal offenses and
enforcement of criminal offenses and administrative offenses,
bb) combating defamation on grounds of race, sex, religion or national
sex, religion or nationality,
cc) violations of the human dignity of individuals, or
dd) the protection of national security and defense interests
b) public health, or
c) the interests of consumers and the interests of investors
is necessary - concerns a specific telemedium or operating system that impairs the protection
protection objectives referred to in point 1 or poses a serious and
serious and severe risk of impairment of these objectives
represents, - is proportionate to the protection objectives under no. 1.
Its quite mind-boggling indeed. Sadly, as so often, they use another valid cause as excuse for things that should never be permitted or required via laws.
These initial SPECViewPerf results for the Intel Arc B-Series show a rather nice upgrade from the Arc A580 to Arc B580 graphics. There was just one viewset (CREO) where there was an anomaly with the performance and hopefully will be rectified soon in Mesa for the Intel Iris Gallium3D driver. In all the other viewsets was a very nice showing for this $249 USD graphics card for both raw workstation graphics performance and the performance-per-Watt.
While this is from Oct. I feel itâs a good read for anyone that wants to know why Wayland and cursors is still a mess. There are vids on it but text is always nice to have.
Itâs truly begun. The countdown to the end of x11.
2036 is the year they finally donât have to actually support it, but I definitely see them, dropping it from the repos sooner for Fedora and such.
I wonder if that decision was made so that they donât have to worry about fixing Y2K38âŠ
its due to thatâs the last year of rel 7 or 8? extended support. After that they no longer have to maintain x11. BSD should still have it past then but the support will be super small.
Dreams do come true , we discussed for something like this in September but I was told immutable ainât the future now see even KDE is going to switch to immutable way .
TL;DR: Create a bulletproof OS showcasing the best of KDE that we can proudly recommend to users and OEMs, with a coherent âhereâs how you get itâ story.
Be "The KDE operating system" User-friendly; high-quality UX Doesn't break, or at least easy to recover Keeping security in mind No packaging knowledge needed to develop for it Focus on modern technologies Attractive for our hardware partners Any edition can be used as the main system by our developers for internal dogfooding purposes Support switching between editions/release schedules at any time Exercise codepaths for containerized apps and immutable base systems, to improve KDE software deployed using these technologies in other environments
Does not have to support the runtime installation of kernel modules. This will prevent the out-of-the-box installation of, for example:
Proprietary NVIDIA kernel driver (for graphics cards older than NVIDIA GTX 16xx). NVIDIA GPUs must either be new enough to use the open-source kernel modules that can be distributed in-tree, or else use Nouveau VirtualBox (requires out-of-tree modules; QEMU/KVM probably do a better job anyway) Vendor-specific VPNs that require custom out-of-tree kernel modules that cannot be redistributed with the kernel due to license incompatibility
Source -KDE Linux - KDE Community Wiki
The only true way is Mastodon.
Same procedure like every time.
X died.
Let meta die too.
Google must be broken up.
Once Amazon has all the retailers in the bag, it will be very, very expensive for customers.
Monopolies are never a good thing.
Trust me
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)