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I’ve only been using firefox since 2005 and thankfully it has never let me down


The researchers, Martin SmolĂĄr and Peter StrĂœÄek, say it appears to only target a limited number of Ubuntu releases and there are signs it’s only a proof of concept at the moment. It’s not thought to be under active development or in wider use by any sophisticated offensive operators right now.

That said, the finding suggests work is being done to target a broader set of potential targets and dispels the previous thinking that UEFI bootkits are designed for Windows systems only.

But there’s a catch. Warp’s developers intend to remove some features in the coming weeks/months for users who aren’t logged in.

Another thing to note is that telemetry is still enabled by default, and users will have to manually disable it even if they are offline. This was done to facilitate the use of Warp’s cloud features for non-logged-in users.


Although the developers aren’t giving details of what’s new at this stage, saying, “A detailed sum up of all new features in Xfce 4.20 is planned for the final release,” one thing is certain: Wayland is coming!

That’s right—expect Xfce 4.20 to bring enhanced Wayland support.


December Patchday: Google plugs serious holes in Android


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December Patchday: Google plugs serious holes in Android

At least one vulnerability allows remote code execution. All supported versions of Android are vulnerable.

by Stefan Beiersmann on December 3, 2024, 1:06 p.m

Google used the December patch day for Android to close 14 security holes, some of them serious, in its mobile operating system. OS versions 12, 12L, 13, 14 and 15 are affected.

According to the December bulletin, the most serious vulnerability is said to allow malicious code to be injected and executed remotely. No additional authorizations are required. It is in the Android system and will be eliminated with the security patch level December 1st.

Further vulnerabilities have been fixed in the Android framework as well as in components from Imagination Technologies, MediaTek and Qualcomm. Among other things, they enable an unauthorized extension of user rights.

As always, Google informed its partners about the details of the vulnerabilities at least a month ago. In addition, the source code for the patches was also handed over to the Android Open Source Project.

Users receive updates over-the-air.

Depending on the device manufacturer, the patches will be released in the coming weeks or even months - and possibly only for current or selected devices.

Only one thing is truly certain in life, death.
Nur eins ist wirklich sicher im Leben, der Tod.


The idea is to introduce an official KDE Plasma distribution based on Arch Linux.

This is awesome news! Arch has finally become a mainstream Linux distro. Gone are the days where every online guide only included instructions aimed at Debian/Ubuntu users (and perhaps a couple of others).

Be the recommended KDE operating system with stability and user experience as priority

Immutable core

Other than the immutable core, the announcement sounds great to me. To me, as a constant tinkerer I mostly find an immutable core an annoyance. Using the BTRFS file system (as Garuda does) along with its snapshot rollback features is enough of a security blanket for me. Immutability, for a seasoned Arch user just seems overkill for me. Mostly I’d find it gets in the way of tuning my system on a regular basis.

I also am not a big fan of Flatpak, and I have feeling that is the direction this new KDE distro is headed.

This decision should provide a big boost to Arch Linux’s popularity. It wasn’t that long ago that Arch was regarded as a distro only intended for the ultra geek neck beard crowd. This decision should propel Arch into the fully mainstream disto ranks such as Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora.


Yea knowing it’s going to be Arch based is great, having a immutable core not so much.


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)

it’s an LTS!


Honestly, the apps are shaping up really good.


Auch wenn Linux User es nicht benutzen

Vielleicht kennt ihr ja jemanden, der betroffen ist und die, ab, 100 € gut gebrauchen kann. Der Anschluss an die Sammelklage ist kostenfrei.

Wenn, gibt es in den USA sicherlich mehr :smiley:


Well, using AI for making boiler plates is fine

But who are these shameless people using AI for hunting bugs ?? :roll_eyes:


I saw it

:joy: :joy:, here is the report they are likely talking about