./@joplinapp-desktop: error while loading shared libraries: libicui18n.so.68: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I just installed GarudaLinux and then installed Joplin-desktop from chaotic aur ......

It installed without error but when I try to start it via terminal i get this error

./@joplinapp-desktop: error while loading shared libraries: libicui18n.so.68: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

any ideas what I need to do different to get it running?

thanks a lot in advance :slight_smile:

This could be a partial upgrade:

or joplinapp-desktop needs to be rebuilt:


Its updated, please let us know if that fixed the issue :eyes:


it fixed it - thanks a lot !!!! :grinning: :grinning:

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