8 October 2021 21:53
First of all, disable mac address randomization, if not done already.
Second, try different kernels. Especially Linux-LTS .
In addition you should disable IPv6.
You should also test the linux
, linux-mainline
and linux-next-git
The driver is included in the kernel and is not something that can be easily changed. What you can do is change the iwlwifi firmware to the git
version which will have more recent advancements. Google also releases developmental versions of firmware for Intel wifi hardware for their Android operating system. If you search your Intel model online you may find an updated version for your adapter model’s firmware.
There are also many iwlwifi driver options that can be tested to modify and hopefully improve your adapter’s performance.
Sadly this is an older Intel adapter that really isn't actively supported by Intel anymore. There are some driver options that sometimes help with this adapter you can try this:
sudo -u $USER /bin/bash -lc 'lsmod | grep -o -e ^iwlmvm -e ^iwldvm -e ^iwlwifi | xargs sudo rmmod && sleep 3 && sudo modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=8 bt_coex_active=0'
That command will load new driver options. The changes will only remain in place for the current session. If those options help then a permanent driver op…
Be sure to read all my posts on this thread:
How to test different iwlwifi driver options on the fly
You can temporarily test different iwlwifi driver options to see if your connectivity improves.
You can change the Intel iwlwifi drivers on the fly via rmmoding and modprobing.
Test one choice of options at a time by entering the following commands in the terminal individually.
Start at the top and work your way down the list, testing your connection for improvement after each change.
Open a root terminal by running the commands belo…
See this thread:
System: Kernel: 5.13.9-zen1-1-zen x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 11.1.0
parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/@/boot/vmlinuz-linux-zen root=UUID=8895d7a3-a38d-4b4d-80bb-f95e543d873c
rw rootflags=subvol=@ quiet
root=/dev/mapper/luks-7d7a51a6-b4fb-4d87-818e-64c33a669763 splash rd.udev.log_priority=3
vt.global_cursor_default=0 systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1 loglevel=3
Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.22.4 tk: Qt 5…
There are already a lot of suggestions on this thread. I apologize that I've duplicated some steps you've previously tested. As others looking to solve their speed issues will be reading this I've included all steps in my summary of fixes for speed issues others will need to be sure to test.
Here are some things you can try to address your wifi speed issue:
Firstly, as both your adapter drivers are contained in the kernel, your kernel in use can have a huge impact on your wifi performance.
As well as:
I was hoping I could help you improve your wifi performance, but this is a rather poor adapter that is no longer supported by Intel. There is a chance that you may be able to improve the performance somewhat by testing different driver options.
Sadly many people don't get a lot of improvement, but you can try this:
Create the driver options configuration file:
With the following content:
options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1
options iwlwifi swcrypto=1
options iwlwifi p…
There is no shortage of information regarding how to modify an Intel wifi adapter’s performance on the net. Perhaps you need to improve your search skills.
Perhaps this may help in this regard: