Garuda Linux "Raptor" (230305)

I use KDE's panel as dock but my questions was not about dock though. Drag-drop from panel to desktop to change windows size how Latte was able to do it.

Would be awesome if possible with KDE's own panel with, as well.

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Yes. However Plasma does not support this at the moment and I don’t know if it’s part of the plans. You could let them know by opening a wishlist at


@dr460nf1r3 , I'm using dragonized gaming edition rn. I'm not sure how to update (Already did update from Garuda Assistant).

Let me know how I'd get "Raptor" and how the major update works in Garuda. I'd like to get some topics pointed so I can know how to upgrade to latest version in future :crossed_fingers:

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Read/search the forum. The information is already present.


Yes. I’ve already gone through

But I was wondering if this is what I need to do (Assuming I only want to keep my Garuda OS up to date! Raptor seems better compared to dragonized, It’s just I’m not sure if reinstalling means deleting whole OS and creating a new from start. (What I’m asking that I’m finding a way to do something like Windows 10 > Windows 11 [OS Upgrade without losing data])

Let me know what do you think about it. Feel free to share a post or link from where I can learn more regarding this. :+1:

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I think there's a bit of misunderstanding here, Raptor is the codename for the new releases (including but not limited to the dr460nized edition), not an alternative to it.

The information you are looking for is all in the first announcement post (if you want to migrate keeping the existing installation), otherwise making a backup of your stuff in home plus the list of explicitly installed packages and then reinstalling from the new ISO is of course also an option.

I don't use KDE so I may have missed something, but basically it's a matter of following the threads about replacing Latte with Plasma Dock and replacing mkinicpio with dracut, the rest should have been handled by regular upgrades. (hope I'm not too wrong)

Personally, even if it all works fine for me and as much as I hate reinstalling, I'll go for a clean reinstall, after one year plus of installing and removing packages and tinkering with all things I don't really understand, who knows what nonsense I inadvertently left in place.


The only reason I avoid this is the hassle that it takes to make OS developer ready. You know lots of SSH, package installations, custom tweaks and what not.

My bad that I misunderstood the code and yes, I was talking about this panel change which I can do in my current Dr4g0nised.

Feel free to point me at current sources for latte and mkinicpio migration. I’ll be looking for the same now :+1:


Apologies, I have to leave now or I'll miss my train.


Updating to “Rapture” was as easy as simply updating the system from Garuda Assistant. What I missed was the restart of the system. After restart, It automatically asked for migration and everything worked like charm afterwards. :_garuda_:

@meanruse I hope you caught the train :raised_hands:


Exactly! Thanks for the advice! I already forgot about the existence of this version of the panel! Works great in this Garuda too! I wish you good health!

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Thanks a lot I always use Night Color Control, now it's starting automatically, before I had to click twice :slightly_smiling_face:
I still have to see the other improvements, Long Live to this beautiful Garuda Linux!


First of all, big thanks and congrats to Garuda team for all the hard work and what looks like a fantastic release !! I followed the dev and ran the early isos and its been a pleasure watching it evolve.

w.r.t fresh install, imo the best setup is always a separate /home partition, which is very easy with Garuda's default layout, and snapshots and btrfs make it even easier. Use a dotfile manager like chezmoi or yadm, keep all your config in github, backup plasma using something like konsave etc. It should not take more than 30min to get back to your config with a fresh OS install - this applies to all distros not just Garuda. Its goof practice to do so.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Where is the list to start the update to raptor?

Well I bit the bullet, clean install, took about a day to get everything working as i like it but, i suppose, its a good learning curve. I now have Raptor and everything works.


PS, what, exactly, is KillSticky?


In case you missed this comment, we could add this above-mentioned package for GTK app-menu support.


You missed this :wink:


A post was split to a new topic: Black screen after installation

You dio know what trouble shooting is, right? Happy this distro works for you, but should of at least tried to troubleshoot the Steam issue.