Garuda Linux "Raptor" (230305)

I have heard only good things about MX Linux and I hadn't meant my comment to be a bash against them in any way.

Rather, it was meant as a tongue-in-cheek remark about Distrowatch's somewhat mysterious ranking system. The fact that MX Linux has been the #1 Linux distro for like four consecutive years, despite the fact that not many people seem to use it, or even talk about it, is somewhat bizarre and very suspicious. :face_with_monocle:


Everything is cool, but unfortunately the logo is not displayed as in the picture, the code is still (

Hi @fisk_hogel, I think you have to set it up yourself. Only certain terminals can render images as well. Check this discussion here:

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The new ISO can not detect my hard disk.
I have tried the Dragonized and Gnome version.
Both does not shows my hard disk.

Noticed others having issues with vanishing disk drives. This may be the problem:


Nice, it looks like the patch is already in mainline and queued for 6.2.3. :star_struck:

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Looks like I have to wait for the patch.

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The first rule of MX Club, you do not talk about MX Club. :wink:


2 posts were split to a new topic: Disk encryption password twice

Follow the money. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yeah i just took a look at their forum there were topics mostly related to announcements but in that also I found very less userā€™s reply back to devs

Yeah... Latte-Dock now looks very flawed! I would like to return to the previous version with an increase in icons on click...

Plasma Panel does not have a feature to grow icon size. New ISO does not use Latte-Dock anymore.


@Arius please take note. From the release announcement:


Thank you all who have worked hard on this major update, I have been waiting very impatiently for it for months! I've installed it yesterday and so far I'm loving the changes (I have very quickly changed the theming to Dracula since that is my favorite for all-things, even TTY rice).
Good work Garuda team and community, let's keep going stronger year after year :muscle:


First congrats on the latest KDE Dragonized Gaming build. Installed in just over 7 minutes. Love being offered the nVidia install right out of the gate, the faster post install wizard, and in love with how the panels turned out. Other than one problem that I ran into with yay all looks good. Only thing I need fixed now are restoring the menu bars. Other than that again fantastic job. Thanks a lot for the great work that went into this.

No yay to paru alias in fish config?
Do you use bash?

Typically I use ZSH. Normally I switch it to ZSH using either XreoLinuxā€™s or CachyOSā€™s ZSH script, but I liked the way you guys have fish configured I left it. Itā€™s no biggy cause like I said my AUR helper of choice is Pikaur and then Pacseek for most installs.


I figured out getting the menu bars back on the apps, so so far ALL good. I do have to ask why the below was closed without addressing the main issue of the thread?

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I thougt its fixed :smiley:


I seeā€¦but after working with the new version of Latte-Dock for a couple of days, I realized that I was missing exactly the visual functionality that I had before! I solved the problem for myself simply by removing this static bottom panel and installing the ā€œPlankā€ panel. Everything is the same as before!