Garuda Linux future 🚀

Hi, I want to raise a topic I raised almost 2 years ago when I joined Garuda community.

What are the plans for the development of Garuda Linux distributions? Is there any kind of roadmap to track that progress?

I recently read an article about the development of VanillaOS distro and that makes me kinda envy (?) about all of that cool new stuff and works developers are doing here.

Maybe we can also think about new horizons Garuda Linux can reach? I'm pretty sure the community here has a few new ideas, and maybe developers will be interested in a few of them.


Is this is a subtle hint to go Immutable forget it.


We already have BTRFS snapshot system, and it's much better and efficient.


I should add I for one won't be treated like I'm on a library computer. What's next blocking my porn by my distro creator?

But we can always add more features, like distrobox and podman integration.
I would have really wanted to take a look at it, but I am right now very busy, trying hard to get into a college.

What kind of roadmap are you looking for? We mostly get interesting ideas for new features and start implementing them, taking time as needed.

There are currently 2 bigger things on my personal radar: 1 server maintenance which will be a sweet upgrade and another yet unannounced project featuring some flaky things… taking guesses :joy::snowflake:

Since we are a quite small team with sometimes busy real life’s, help by community members in that regard always helps! For example, it’s great to see Hyprland being an active work in action right now :grin:


Maybe this can be not even a roadmap, but some kind of devblog "We are done with thing X, here are our observations and results, and we are going to work on thing Y next few months" just to make people notice that Garuda is in active development.

Sure this will require a blog guy who will write these posts, so maybe this shouldn't be forced right now.

I would like to see a less fancy KDE version WITH support. :innocent:

There is Garuda barebones.
I never understood why it’s considered very different from dragonized?

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we do not provide any support for KDE lite editions

I love the super fancy get the design sht pumped to the KDE limits style sweetify Distro :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A friend who came over once asked me which game I'm playing b/c, as he said, the game menu looks sick.
Me: That's my OS, not a game :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
He: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:
Also me: having Garuda Gaming dragonized runnin' :smiley:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I guess the "Roadmap" is like: That's cool, we'll take it. Oh that's crap, if we need it for technical reasons we'll add a mitigating software, if we don't need it, then we'll won't implement it.
I love this rather intuitive mindset of consolidating features, rather than a stiff road map like on big corporations and then getting caught by anything and fail.
Well, check out all those coroporation driven distros, first of all they have a pretty damn stiff concept...yuk!

I love Garuda the way it is placed, consolidated by features and how it is maintained. Every bigger issue which came down from upstream got dealt with as best as humanly possible. This distro isn't online alive, it is pumping. I can't imagine which amount of work the Garuda devs are doing for me and every user to provide this smooth experience constantly. Cheers o/ to y'all Devs for that.



For both, just check

We are not a business enterprise or a dictatorship here, and we do not set time - target agreements.
We are mostly already subjected to this in the area with which we have to earn our living.

It also saves us the question of the users, why this and that is not yet ready. It’s the same with a rolling distribution, when will the next version come out, even though it’s always up to date. :slight_smile:

Thanks to @dr460nf1r3 for (all) these compilations. :slight_smile:


@YUART There's also some Plasma Theme changes undergoing, which you can find (and participate if you use Plasma and wish to test these proposed changes :smiley:) here. [Dr460nized Theme Changes] Feedbacks on proposed theming changes - Feedback - Garuda Linux Forum


Wait a minute. If you need support, are you sure it’s right for you? Be bold, you can do it! :slight_smile:


What I think KDE-lite should be is everything here: garuda/dr460nized/Packages-Desktop · master · Garuda Linux / Tools / iso-profiles · GitLab


####---->> THEMING


I have excluded kvantum-qt5(pretty awesome qt-themer) from the 'minus' list.

Seriously why would anyone consider the rest of the stuff bloat?
These are what that make the experience 'Garuda'.
Otherwise how is it different from Vanilla KDE Arch minus maybe the BTRFS snapshot capabilities?
These additional packages hardly take up any storage space.
If one really doesn't need them he can manually remove those specific 1-2 packages?
Most of the additional packages(which add to the better experience) aren't even graphical apps, so the hardcore minimalists won't even notice.

Long story short I would suggest to make kde-lite, dragonized minus the theming.
And remove the unsupported warning.

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Es passiert nichts Gutes,
auĂźer man tut es.

Nothing good happens,
unless you do it.

Translated, it doesn't rhyme :grin:

This version exists because there are always people everywhere who scream "bloat", no matter what a distribution does. Subcategory of "haters".

A non-dr460nized version can be created with little effort.

We don't live in the 80's anymore, where every KB mattered.

We also don't make a version for low performance computers.
If you don't like it that way, you have to find another way.

The developers and maintainers still make their DE according to their preferences and taste, that's it.

Not that we have anything against constructive suggestions, you just can't expect them to always be implemented. :slight_smile:


Who are these people? They should use server linux.
game boy linux GIF

I really like your quality of experience improving selection of additional packages for KDE Dragonized.

We are on the same page.

Now if I think about it if someone wants to customize KDE on their own, he could install the dragonized version and remove these installed packages accordingly,

####---->> THEMING


note that,

Name            : garuda-dr460nized
Description     : Dr460nized settings
Provides        : garuda-desktop-settings
Depends On      : beautyline  garuda-common-settings  garuda-icons  garuda-fish-config  garuda-wallpapers
                  ksysguard  kvantum  plasma5-applets-window-appmenu  plasma5-applets-window-buttons
                  plasma5-applets-window-title  sweet-theme-full-git  ttf-fira-sans  ttf-firacode-nerd

Removing garuda-dr460nized would remove all its dependencies, so make sure you explicitly install the dependencies you like before removing garuda-dr460nized

@ziesel could do the same.


i must have accidentally touched the holy grail :rofl:

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Less fancy ..i think depends on your view.
I personally dont like the neon icons... so I dont use them :slight_smile:
(Gnome and sway are what I am running last year or so on my 2 main machines.)
But I love the btrfs and snapshots . I believe they are required on rolling distro.
I hop pretty frequently but i always come back here, for some reason Arch seems (or is) more stable than Suse - tumbleweed which starts well but crashes on me after a month or 2.
Garuda just has IT, as silly as that sounds, is why I stayed .
The devs have solid thoughts and it has come along a lot in the 3 years, who knows where the next 3.

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That exactly what i mean and consider every-time.

Well, do we/you or developer think about 4kn-drives/disks? That’s very important since using btrfs.

If i could suggest a innovation, when the 4kn-“problem” is solved, ZFS (Zetta-Byte FIle System) and naturally with rEFInd not having “boot-problems” like Grub apparently do.

I could well imagine a dragonized rEFInd booting every OSs on the machine :wink:

ZFS-DKMS maybe works better with LTS-Kernel but finally is your/developer decision, what for sure I know… the ZFS-Driver is present and can be used in GRUB as well in rEFInd.

I love this distro (Garuda-KDE), perfect for my 4*2TB-nvme’s where the third and fourth nvme are still free.

An explicitly big thanks to developer-s.