Garuda Installation Failed

(As sent in DM in reply to OP)

As @jonathon stated in his post, UEFI is selected on your rig, so perhaps there is another problem.

Have you tried a different USB pendrive?

Have you ensured the destination drive is completely wiped?

You mention Rufus and Balena Etcher. Personally, I had better results with Rpi-Imager, you may want to try it yourself. See this thread for more options - Another imager option

At the end of the day, the people here give of our spare time, for no cost. Our families, work, health and jobs, must come first, which limits our time.

You must do your part, by thorough preparation, documenting each stage of your process thus far and at which stage fails/successes occur.

A Garuda distro is downloaded, but the second you install on your rig, it becomes your distro. This means your responsibility - it's completely different to Windows. Many do not expect this, because they did no prior research and 'liked the look of it'.

Garuda is based on Archlinux - a leading-edge distro...Garuda is bleeding-edge, so is not for everyone, by it's very nature.

Only you can assess your own and your rigs capabilities. Think long and hard and go from there.