FireDragon Librewolf fork 🐉

This can only happen if @dr460nf1r3 releases FireDragon in Play Store / App Store.

PSD is not what you asked for.

You still have ways to sync profile among two Linux machines. There’re many softwares like Nextcloud Sync.

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Syncing with Mozilla servers was never possible. Actually I just looked into an extension providing sync support which supports Nextcloud & other services to sync with:

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Association of autist minimalists gently asks for optional ALSA and Jack support instead of Pulseaudio. Seems like Firefox can be build with these instead, so shouldn't be a lot of work to implement :crazy_face:


Thats actually a great update! I was just getting everything ready for a new Firedragon release, last thing missing is the OpenSUSE KDE patchset :smiley:
The look known from Nightlies finally became available in stable :grin:


The update to 89 has been dropped finally! :dragon_face:

6 Likes does not work, but I can't change it, say to (because of the policy)
Can you please help (me) us out here?
Neither I can put any search term in the url-bar nor directly in the search field.

Well, for me it does work :thinking:
You can easily add new search engines by browsing the website -> rightclicking the address bar -> add search engine. Then go to settings -> search engine -> select the newly added one.


FireDragon has been updated to version 91 - for some reason the appmenu patch broke the build so it has been excluded for now. Once the issue has been found it'll be back with annother update of course :thinking:

Another side note - there is a project called Firefox-UI-Fix (focuses on enhancing the Proton UI look of Firefox) which recently released version 3.0. For me, this makes it usable as it integrates better than before. Among the advantages are more icons for all kind of options and native dark modes for Mozillas addon page & some other Firefox internal pages. If you want to check it out, here is the link to the latest release :slight_smile:


Hey, this looks really interesting, but I'm wondering how did you install it? There aren't really any instructions. I downloaded the source tarball, and tried to run the, with this result:

Checked install type: Local......................OK
FAILED: Unable to find firefox profile dir.

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Did you use Librewolf or FireDragon? :wink:

I think FireDragon is not supported by the script - instead open the profile directory by opening about: support -> open directory and paste the contents of the downloaded archive in there. Then just restart the browser :slight_smile:
(Use the Proton theme style, Lepton looks kinda off to me - but maybe thats just me :joy:)


It seems Quad9 DNS over HTTPS is not being enabling by default. I started with a fresh new profile, now manually adding it.

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Its a really good browser but unfortunately i had to shift to firefox because firedragon wasnt playing my lecture videos. It was working for a few seconds and then it was showing server error so i tried again by disabling all plugins but was still not playing

This happened intentional :eyes: I recently learned the following thanks to @ptr1337 :

DNS-over-HTTPS was initiated by Google in 2016. It is primarily used to circumvent censorship through DNS manipulation and also gets through "Facist Firewalls ".
Compared to DNS-over-TLS, DoH is less performant due to HTTP overhead. There are also privacy implications due to the use of the HTTP protocol. A server could instrument HTTP auth headers, e-tags as well as SSL session ID for tracking or use HTTP headers such as user agent, accept language, etc. for browser fingerprinting. Simple tracking via cookies would be too easy, though. A DoH client should ignore the cookies, as the IETF writes in RFC 8484.

What you could do to troubleshoot the issue is commenting stuff in /usr/lib/firedragon/firedragon.cfg to find out which setting exactly causes the video to not play - its certainly one of those and not the plugins. Then, you could add the setting found to ~/.firedragon/firedragon.overrides.cfg to have this setting permanent.

I’m also very happy that the just released updated brings back the unity-menubar patch and therefore the appmenu in dr460nized editions :star_struck:


Hi, my extensions won't update automatically or manually. When I select "Check for Updates" it just hangs and nothing happens. How can I fix this? Thanks.

Ill need to investigate, thanks for reporting :+1:

Edit: the settings value in question is extensions.update.url which is by default blank. You can change it to

To get the update check back. It will be default in the next build.


@dr460nf1r3 - Thanks :+1:


Hi, I just wanted to say that Plasmafox is officially dead now, so you don’t have to keep in sync with non-existing changes :wink: But I’m sure you’ve already noticed :innocent: