FireDragon Librewolf fork šŸ‰

Feel free to retouch!



These are nice! I think the about.png pic should stay in place (that one was created by @SGS some time back :smiley: ) but with the text changed. Feel free to create a merge request then :slight_smile:

@SGS that one looks very interesting as well, I wonder if it could look good replacing identity-icons-brand.svg maybe? :eyes:


Fits the buityline icons better.

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Soon, the dragon shall be locked up!


There is a nice change for the people who customize their firedragon.cfg happening in the next build: Usually all the settings from Librewolf are set in /usr/lib/firedragon/firedragon.cfg which means changes are overwritten everytime the browser is updated - there is now support for persistent custom settings using ~/.firedragon/firedragon.overrides.cfg. :grin:
Also, bookmarks are no longer opened in a new tab, someone suggested this on GitLab and I have to agree that this is in fact a nice QoL change especially when using the new tab page to launch bookmarks :slight_smile:


The just released update 88.0.1 allows searching for addons in the settings (wasn't functional due to stripped search URL before) & features a mini logo in the about dialogue, thanks @zoeruda :slight_smile:

I was thinking about changing default settings to not delete sessions / website settings (instead only cache, histories & offline website data) to make the browser usable without having to fiddle around with cookie exceptions to have logins work after closing the browser, something which might make novice users use regular Firefox instead. :eyes:


thats a good idea

i actually want my logins to be saved
and history also


Actually there are two places where cookies get deleted: one is under Cookies and Sites Data and other is under History. For the first time it took time to figure out why my cookies are getting deleted even when I selected Allow on per website basis. So I think there's no need to have both of them marked. My recommended settings:

Cookies and Sites Data:
:white_check_mark: Delete cookies and site data when FireDragon is closed

:white_check_mark: Clear history when FireDragon closes:

  • :ballot_box_with_check: Browsing & Download History
  • :blue_square: Cookies
  • :blue_square: Active Logins
  • :ballot_box_with_check: Cache
  • :ballot_box_with_check: Form & Search History
  • :blue_square: Site Preferences
  • :blue_square: Offline Website Data

I was in fact wondering this too some time ago :laughing: Thanks for the suggestion! We decided to make FireDragon the default browser for a few more editions as it got privacy respecting defaults while staying easier to use than Librewolf. To make it more attractive for the people used to ā€œregularā€ browsers it now only clears cache & form/search data by default.
For the people who actually prefer cleaning the rest it should be easy to do ( a few boxes ticked :smiley: ). The actually important settings arenā€™t touched by this change anyway :smiley:


Thank you mate, I love firedragon and I set it up on my dad's laptop as well as on my PC. I use a VPN with it and that's all I need to be safe, cool and fast browsing the web :+1:


I happen to like to delete everything on close. But since seems like Iā€™m in a minority Iā€™ll just keep it set that way manually.


It may be better to use an extension to make it straightforward to quickly add an exception for the current website, as clearing such data is helpful for most websites where you either arenā€™t logging in or only want to log in infrequently.

Itā€™s just that, from what I understand, you currently need to copy the URL (but not the entire URL so you gotta fiddle with your mouse a bit or shift+arrow keys), open the Firefox Settings, go to Privacy and Security, scroll down to Cookies and Site Data, click Manage Exceptions, paste the URL of the website you wish to be able to stay logged in on, then click Allow and then restart (twice? doesnā€™t seem to keep you logged in immediately after adding the exception and then restarting firefox). Which is a both a pain in the ass and requires the user to know where to look for this specific setting, without any instruction.

Ideally Iā€™d think being able to right click a tab, a web page, or clicking on an icon in the toolbar to quickly add an exception would be reasonably useable enough for the people installing FireDragon while helping to protect privacy.

Alternatively, I did use this extension for a while (Ephemeral or Confined Container, EoCC ā€“ Get this Extension for šŸ¦Š Firefox (en-US)) which had a pretty good workflow. It basically made a disposable and unique container tab for every domain you visited, but you could easily click the extensionā€™s icon to switch from Ephemeral mode to Persistent for a particular domain. And now that domain would open up in its own container tab that would persist between sessions, keeping you logged in. Crucially, because itā€™s a container tab, other tabs that werenā€™t also opened in the same container wouldnā€™t know youā€™re logged into that website.

The main problem with that approach were a few websites that required you to go to a new domain to log in (ie using Steam to log into, which the extension couldnā€™t really handle well besides just opening any links you click within the same container tab (which means YouTube may start collecting a profile about you based purely on what videos you click from Reddit, for example).

I still feel like that extension was on the right track, if only it had a way to only open external domains in the same tab when you, say, right click and explicitly tell it to open in the same container tab (and also allowed you to still manually create containers so that you can do things like switch between two separate Gmail logins to be able to use your work and personal email simultaneously or shitpost from novelty alts on Reddit). Isolating websites from each other I feel is a better overall approach even if itā€™s a bit more complicated than just deleting cookies on close.


Actually I do as well :slight_smile: Thinking about my personal ā€œgreater goalā€ however - getting more people gain at least bit more privacy online doing that step might be a good idea though, Iā€™m fine with sacrificing a few clicks for that :grin:

Will start testing this now, a new thing to try. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Edit: just noticed that there is a nice animation going on when opening a new tab at the reload button, is that new? :eyes:


OMG! Why do you do it this way :face_with_thermometer:

Itā€™s as easy as:

  1. :lock: (in address bar)
  2. >
  3. More Information
  4. Permissions
  5. Set Cookies: Allow

So the home page changed to and I can no longer get it to retain the home page of my choosing (it is if you care :sweat_smile:) Is there a .config file I need to edit in order to override that setting?

For some reason I still get logged out after doing that.

Pretty slick

You should uncheck Cookies here :slight_smile:

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Actually that was unchecked :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Try removing the last config from /usr/lib/firedragon/firedragon.cfg (its commented). Seems that one doesnt do good, will remove it :eyes:

I might have found a good solution for satisfying also the needs of people who prefer stricter default settings @zoeruda

Just place this file into ~/.firedragon to have the previous behaviour back :slight_smile:


:thinking: Did you try it after restarting once? Or, maybe you should try disabling your extensions and try..

Just stumbled upon this.
Don't have time to test this, but seems to be well thought out.

One more reason for me to give up on Plasmafox.
I was actually about to push Plasmafox to AUR, but now I will hold back :slight_smile:

Next ESR release will be the last plasmafox. It is probably due in June or July. Maybe a few more ESR releases to give users the opportunity to switch.
No, it is not because of Firedragon, but because I'm annoyed with maintenance, and I'm happy if someone picks up the work I've done.
Therefore, good luck to FireDragon!