Chaotic-AUR | Packages | Requests | Recompilation | Reports

Can you please confirm the version from Chaotic is actually playable when convenient?

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it seems to be the case with all of these java packages. Whenever a new version releases they just dump the old versions

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A post was split to a new topic: Brother printer drivers

 installing spdlog (1.12.0-1) breaks dependency '' required by waybar-hyprland-git

Rebuild needed?

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Would it be possible to get AUR (en) - frame-eth

(first post, lmk if there's additional details I should be adding, been enjoying Garuda so far)

yup, everything works when chosing Vulkan renderer

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mpv-full broken again.

mpv: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Is there really no lasting solution to this other that constantly rebuilding manually on the server every few days when it breaks?

Seems like something is fundamentally broken with the building process.

The problem here is that library bumps don’t get picked up by our builders, which means we have to bump the version manually. This is usually not an issue, but mpv-full has A LOT of libraries it depends on… particularly ffmpeg-git changes often.

 ffmpeg-git-6.1.r111830.gc48ec95ba3-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libplacebo-git- downloading...

Nothing broken but a limitation of our current build tools :frowning: build is on its way.

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Will build tools evolve to solve this problem?

Still not working.

mpv: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
:: Retrieving packages...                                                                                                         
 ffmpeg-git-6.1.r111845.g69c308a6d1-1-x86_64 downloading...      
 libplacebo-git- downloading...

15 commits to ffmpeg-git, maybe 20 to libplacebo-git ? The versioning of the latter is weird.

4th. bump of the same mpv-full version…

I’m not sure yet. I’m currently investigating the use of another build tool, though I’m yet unsure whether it suits our scenario (regular servers, use of a HPC as builder). I’m also looking at a way to maybe handle this automatically :thinking:


You should probably remove waybar-hyprland-git from the repos.
Waybar has a hyprland workspaces module: Module: Hyprland · Alexays/Waybar Wiki · GitHub

according to vaxry, the wayland workspaces module will be removed, making the aforementioned package obsolete:

  • This is still an unreleased protocol that has not seen much traction recently
  • The implementation was nicked from Ilia Bozhinov and was memory-unsafe (cuz C)
  • There is no need for it anymore, as the only benefit was wlr/workspaces in waybar which now has hyprland/workspaces
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It has been already replaced from waybar :slightly_smiling_face:


mpv-full broken again. Literally breaks every time I run a system upgrade.

Is there a way to avoid the chaotic-aur version to build from AUR instead?

Or if really mpv-full is not supported by Chaotic-AUR, perhaps remove it (and a few other mpv repos) from the repo until a solution is found. That way I can build myself without hack.

Unfortunately, using downgrade does not allow me to fix it.

sudo downgrade mpv-full

The earliest in the list is 0.36.0-1.2, which expects libplacebo 309

sudo downgrade libplacebo

The latest available is 6.292.0

.... so the libplacebo build is not keeping up

An easy way to do that would be to uninstall it, add it to IgnorePkg in /etc/pacman.conf, then just install it from the AUR. As long as it is in IgnorePkg, Pacman won’t scoop up the Chaotic-AUR version and it will stay AUR only.

If it is breaking so frequently for you, even more bleeding edge than using the AUR package would be to clone the master branch from the git repo (, toss a symlink for the executable in /usr/local/bin if you want, and then just git pull whenever it breaks.


The problem might be with the AUR package itself. I'm having the same problem building it.

Why is aur/libplacebo-git more outdated than chaotic-aur ??

[🧱] × paru libplacebo-git
1 chaotic-aur/libplacebo-git [0B 1.51MiB] [Installed]
Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives. (GIT version)
2 aur/libplacebo-git 6.287.0rc1.57.g363cada9-1 [+10 ~0.78] [Installed:]
Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives. (GIT version)
:: Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3):

That's due to how git packages work - they set pkgver at compile time based on the current git commit, meaning the AUR contains the version that was current when the maintainers built it.

The question is whether it makes sense to keep it around when it breaks that frequently.


I sent a comment on the AUR package

If it's an AUR problem, then I get the same problem whether it's in chaotic-aur or not, and they're the ones who have to find a solution.

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It probably won't change anything if you compile it locally, unless you recompile it with every system update.
Actually, you can see that the problem exists for other users as well (reading the AUR page)