User introductions

Hello all brknntve (Broken Native) here, I am a self appointed gnu/linux scientist lol, no seriously I enjoy most things gnu/linux related. I started my journey using ubuntu 12.04 on my $100 dell laptop. That was the beginning of my journey to using the command line to complete task. I recently have decided to make a career change and become a ethical hacker.

I have been around gnu/linux world for over 8+ years and this is the first time I've joined a community. I have been using Garuda linux for several months now and I enjoy the performance boost the system has given my laptop. I started using the KDE Dragonized edition and then I dedicated to challenge myself and learn how to use WM. I am currently using Garuda Sway.


Hello citizens.
My name is Henrique Mayer (just Mayer please)
I'm linux user since 99 from Brazil. I used many distros and get Garuda from distrowatch list about some months ago, now i turned Garuda my main distro.
Well, my expectations is help the community and the development in some way or not, maybe only sum a user number.


I just wanted to say Hi.

I have been using Garuda for a few weeks now and so far I am really loving it. I started out with it just on my desktop but then installed it on my laptop a few days later after liking it so much, though I am using just the basic Dr460nized on the laptop and the gaming on the desktop(to be honest, had I known the differences I would have probably gone with the regular Dr460nized for both). I Don't consider my self a distro hopper, but I do tend to move from distro to distro after about a year or 2 if I get bored with or don't like something that a particular distro changed. My last distro was fedora, I stuck with them for about 2 years until recently when I was having some issues when it came to playing steam games, and it was bugging me that I couldn't figure out the answer. But the answers seem to be easy to find to fix things for arch and Debian based distros, so I decided I would move to something new to me. I have built my own arch before, tried antergos, manjaro and some other arch based distros so I do know my way around arch based stuff some.

In any case I just wanted to say thanks for the hard work I really have been enjoying the built-in features of Garuda so far like having snapper setup out of the box, the Garuda assistant tool, the Garuda welcome tool(which is way more useful than most other "welcome" apps from other distros), and the Garuda gaming tool. Heck, I even love the default theme so much so right before I switched I was running this theme on fedora KDE. The Live USB tools are even pretty cool. I had performed an update a few days ago that borked my system, so I used my USB drive I used to install Garuda with to fix the issue and I really liked that it had tools to make fixing grub, chroot and other things easy.

Lastly, from lurking around here I noticed there seem to be several people on here that were once (I haven't used Manjaro in a few years) big on the Manjaro forums, so that is cool.


Yes, there are actually a fair number of the old gang from a while back involved heavily either with the project or the Garuda forum.

Welcome to Garuda, nice to see another happy camper.


Welcome! to the community and I am new here as well.


Thank you. :smiley:

Hello to everyone...I'm the newcomer to Garuda tonight! I go by Bubby and have a few months of Linux under my belt. Coming from Zorin 16 Pro OS ,,

Installed Garuda on separate SSD tonight and it's running well. Will have to tweak a few things, but wanted to say Hi! Must say that this is a far above OS and look to experience all it's glory.


Hello I am Genista,

I have switched from Manjaro to Garuda.

Since I started installing today at noon I can't get the grin off my face.

You guys have done a great job!

I have a PC with KDE and one with LXQT running.

You have put so much love and dedication here and it is really good ... what do I say .... it's great.

Thank you for your work and dedication and this distribution.

Your Genista


Thank you and



Welcome and like me being new as well, enjoy what I call the next level in Linux OS standards ! Garuda is making the Linux world take notice..

1 Like

Hi everyone, how are you, wie geht's, comment ça va?
Greetings from Schwarzwald, Germany / France border.

Just shifted from Manjaro. I like XFCE, so, just installed XFCE Garuda, and I like it very much. Looking forward to running it as my daily drive.

Thanks for your work!


Welcome to the Garuda community @BFLynx .

The Xfce developer is @Yorper , so a big shout out to him is in order for his great work.

Best of the Holidays, and wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

Cheers to all.



Hi everyone!

Recently read about Garuda and instantly fell in love with the distro, especially with the Dr460nized edition.
I started off way back then with the good old Amiga, switching to old world Macs at some point, just to get sucked into the Windows machinery, for reasons of gaming, work and yea, cheaper hardware :smiley:
I have been trying out Linux here and there those times, mostly gentoo and similar, but never sticked too long with it, until like 5 years ago. At first mainly Debian on VPS, but later Arch Linux with BSPWM before sticking with Elementary OS until now.

I haven't played with KDE yet, but Garuda really feels awesome so far.
Been testing it on a Thinkpad T460s & Alienware 17 (yea with all the discrete GPU hassle ;b ) and will throw it onto my desktop machine too very soon.

Love your work guys, keep it up :+1:



Hi everyone, I am Eric.
I have been an Ubuntu user for a while and discovered, by chance, on a YouTube video, this beautiful distro, I love the colourful theme, and it seems a serious Arch implementation. I was fed up with upgrading twice a year my release, and wanted a rolling distro. I guess I found it.
I am French and have now been living in Chicago from April.
Happy new year mates!




Hi all !
living near Paris
Retired cook & Gamer since 1972 .

I'm using Garuda KDE Dragonized Gaming.
it's impressive and beautiful.
Have a good flight Garuda ! :person_in_lotus_position:


Hello everyone, I'm from the USA. Testing Garuda XFCE and I really like it :+1:


Hi, welcome to the Garuda Linux forum :slight_smile:


@Claude_D @dirtydog Welcome to the Garuda forum! It's wonderful when newcomers arrive, as it helps us grow in knowledge as well as tackling issues that come to light of Linux and Arch together.