This is the go-to resource for the issue you are describing.
Take notes as you work through it so you can update the thread with relevant information.
If the automatic chroot tool doesn’t work, use arch-chroot
instead as described here: chroot - ArchWiki. Be sure to mount all the subvolumes before entering the chroot. See this topic for example: Chroot into encrypted partition - #50 by BluishHumility. I’m not sure you need to chroot to resolve this issue, but that would be how to do it if you did.
Looks like your DKMS packages are messed up. Double-check that you have the appropriate headers installed for your kernel. If not, you will need to get those installed for each kernel you are using.
sudo pacman -S linux-zen-headers
Remove all those broken Nvidia modules, then reinstall the Nvidia DKMS package.
sudo dkms remove nvidia --all
sudo pacman -S nvidia-dkms
Probably you will want to do the same with the VirtualBox DKMS package you are using.
You responded to a nearly 200-word post that contained two multi-step suggestions with only “it does not work”? Nothing else to say?
What did you try? What happened? Where is the terminal output from your efforts?
You are the only one here who can see what is happening on your computer. If you can’t be more forthcoming with information, no one is going to be able to help you.
You would need to use the -o
flag to regenerate the initramfs image this way. Otherwise, this is what happens:
You created an image file named initramfs-6.11.8-zen1-2-zen.img
. When your system boots, it looks for an image file named initramfs-linux-zen.img
, so the image you created isn’t going to be used unless you rename it first.
Instead of that, use the dracut script the distro provides:
sudo dracut-rebuild
See also: Dracut | Garuda Linux wiki
The LTS kernel is the one to try, as suggested in post 12. Don’t forget the kernel headers.
sudo pacman -S linux-lts linux-lts-headers