[SOLVED] How to use a Bluetooth Keyboard in the Boot manuel

Hello, i run garuda on a seperate ssd next to windows os. in the bootloader from garuda, i can choose which system i want to boot. so far so good. The problem: there i cant use my bluetooth keyboared.

the keyboared: Logitech MX Keys Kabellose Tastatur mit Tastenbeleuchtung

I quite like the keyboared and i would appreciate it a lot if i woundt have to connect a second wired keyboared to my computer all the time.

thx for your help and time :slight_smile:


Just try. Last time I search for you :wink:

Are saying it doesn't work at all, or are you saying it doesn't work during the early boot sequence.

Those are two separate issues that require different measure to fix. Read the Archwiki bluetooth troubleshooting section if for the required information.

thx sgs, but yeah, infect it is just not working in the boot menuel. In the os itself it works just fine, actually im typing with it :wink:

i will have a look in the archewiki

Read this page:



when im trying:

i get the message: permission denied

i tried "sudo -i" first ti get root rights. didnt work. what im i doing wrong?

You can't run a file. /etc/bluetooth/main.conf is a configuration file that you can edit using a text editor.


hello a short update. I worked out how to change the files in the file but this actually didnt helped. so i read a little in internet about bluetooth and using a bluetooth keyboared it in the boot manuel under linux in general. i found many people who said that it is not possible.

but it worked when i used the usb receiver which was shipped with my keyboard. Anyway, the help i found here was much apperciated. thx a lot :slight_smile:

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Which one, mark it, please. :slight_smile: