Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)

This thread is only supposed to be for posts with a silliness factor of 5 (or less). Your post way exceeds that silliness level.

I think you need to open a separate thread for exceedingly silly posts. :rofl:


M$ is only ever sweet when they are threatened that their monopoly will be smashed.

There are so many examples of how M$ has manipulated to secure their market domination that my time is not enough to write everything, my life time is limited.

We do not run an M$ fanshop here.

If I see something like that here I will remove it. :smiley:




20 Cool Memes For People Who Need To Chill |

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Most old school Linux users would rather quote Steve Ballmer:

"Linux is a cancer"

That's the only M$ quote of significance to me.


That was in 2001, I feel like things could have possibly changed since 2 decades?

so off topic chit chat - (Silliness Factor 69)


Do/use what you want but do not publish it here.

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You do know their business philosophy.


Does this not make you in the least nervous about their so called new love for Linux.


I feel like this phrase was more relevant at around ~ 2000 when Internet Explorer simply crushed the browser market and the "Linux is a cancer" quote came out.

I'm relatively new to Linux so I apologize if I don't have the right idea of the big picture of Microsoft, this is simply my opinion on the subject.

Lol omg guys all I meant was I'm not used to using the command line in Windows... :rofl:


It's fine, I just REALLY wanted to get it out of my system. :grinning:

Sorry for all the trouble and the misunderstanding.

Age obviously has a great bearing on perceptions of events from the past. Those with parents who lived through the great depression know how deeply that affected that generations long view of things.

Time will tell in this and many other things as well. However, those who are older and have seen more of life tend to have a very different perspective than the young.


Microsoft is BAD

Reasoning would be appreciated :nerd_face:

I do though want to end this topic, as @tbg made an insightful post that is in every way right that I cannot nullify. :hugs:

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Ok I will

Although this chat is supposed to be silly, I want to reply somewhat meaningfully.
As a company, Microsoft is not bad or good. It has a main driving force of why it exists - profit. If it's more profitable to say that you love opensource because most of the experienced users love it - Microsoft will say this. If it's profitable to put your hands in opensource projects - they will do it. At some point, if it will stop being profitable, they might start another war against opensource and they will have much more power thanks to their "friendship" right now. It's all about money, not about non-profit software for everybody. And their previous strategy with three E's is "forbidden" only because it's not profitable to say that you use it, even if you actually use it.


Right. It's possible to make profit and support opensource in an honest way, see Redhat, Suse, etc. There is a big difference between a company centered around propelling these ideals while also trying to make money at the same time, and a company that's always been about money to begin with, and becomes idealistic whenever it's convenient and profitable.


Oh, I like grapes :grapes:


Or... I don't like grapes :blush:


"You are the bear who is afraid!" the other bear children tease the little bear. "No," he says, "I'm the bear who doesn't like honey". But that's a fake. In reality, the little bear is terrified of fetching honey from the beehive.

So Aesop is the source for all these stories. Thanks for this info.

edit: Or is it Panchatantra?