Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)

Lol, it is just what I have observed many times. :sweat_smile:

unironically run sudo rm -rf ~/ it canā€™t delete the important stuff that makes garuda run but will delete the ā€œdr460nizedā€ stuff

Welcome to the community @R1shy. :wave:

I consider that bad advice because you will delete all of the userā€™s files and configurations.

Even the XDG user directories (Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, etc) will be wiped by this extremely reckless command. Not to mention all the settings and configs that have nothing to do with the Dr460nized setup in the first place.

Thatā€™s not true, there is an abundance of Garuda-specific configuration that gets deployed to the userā€™s home directory. Just look at all of the config directories left in /etc/skel after the garuda-dr460nized package has been removed and you will see what I mean. You may as well not even install Garuda Linux to begin with if you donā€™t want any of these files.



I hope havenā€™t ran it till now :eyes:

BluishHumility said everything already ,
Just I would like to say is you are gonna loose your personal data if you run this command , and can even leave your system to unusable state


:joy: Confession time: I have mistakenly done that like 3 times. :smiling_face_with_tear: Solution was to install trash-put and alias it to rm -rf :sweat_smile:,
Also had to learn not to put sudo infront of everything.

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So my / SSD failed, and another is on the way. These things happen.

So just out of curiosity, how old, and what brand was it?

Fortunately prices have come down cosiderably from years ago, but still it always hurts to lose a drive.

Kinda curious how your open source lives are?

  1. Is it your full time job?
  2. Do you have another job?
  3. How do you balance the two?
  4. How do you do 1 if you donā€™t have the other?

The database recovery stream was wild! :rofl:


Donā€™t know where this idea of mine should be posted, so Iā€™ll post here, :3

I had a random thought pop in my head. Iā€™ve been thinking about using Plasma-Bigscreen as a means to make my own STB for my TV, to get off the crappy OS Samsung installs. It would be awesome to have a Garuda ā€œDragonfire TVā€, a nice high-performance TV with lovely Linux apps!

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Currently not available.

It is unknown if and when this item will be back in stock.


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:joy: :joy: Just Fork it and do that friend :joy: I will be waiting. Is that doable in samsung though?, I really hate their software

:fire:, u guys make awesome stuff and make them pretty. On the other hand apple makes pretty annoying stuff :joy:

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If I had any skills beyond CLI knowledge as a network admin, I wouldā€¦ but me no have OS skills, x3

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Just saw Garuda


Stupid, wrong logo, should be orange or blue. :smiley: That reminds me more of Technetium.

Also stupid, wrong place, X. I donā€™t use it, nor is Garuda active there.

But if you like, please, post the result of the click-bait survey :smiley:

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:joy: I just found it funny. I think they are farming impressions to get that twitter money, considering they added backtrack and its been dead like for 14 years or smth.

ā†’ Since user focuses on cybersec: a lot went for kali n ubuntu
ā†’ Notable mentions of Garuda
ā†’ I think some people may end up downloading garuda thinking its a pentest distro


It doesnā€™t matters , because after all you can do anything in any distro :eyes:

 ā•­ā”€ankur@ankur in ~ 
 ā•°ā”€Ī» upd -a 
[sudo] password for ankur:            
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 garuda                                                          62.0 KiB  21.5 KiB/s 00:03 [------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 core                                                           117.7 KiB  28.6 KiB/s 00:04 [------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 extra                                                            7.5 MiB  1303 KiB/s 00:06 [------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 multilib                                                       133.8 KiB   323 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 chaotic-aur                                                    720.2 KiB   124 KiB/s 00:06 [------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 blackarch                                                        2.7 MiB  36.1 KiB/s 01:16 [------------------------------------------------------] 100%

--> Refreshing mirrorlists using rate-mirrors, please be patient..šŸµ
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