Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)

I rather believe that there are more than one reasons for becoming successful. Performance, beauty, security, respect to privacy and website etc. are all very important. No reason is bigger, none is smaller. They are all equal in my perspective.

We are not here to provide anyone assurance, to be honest. All we want is to introduce an Operating System that is nice, in our opinion. It may sound rough, but we don’t want to mend our ways just to make our Project “best for everyone”, because that can’t happen. Everyone can not be satisfied at once. And that’s very ideology of Open Source as well. You are free to choose whatever you like, modify it however you like, use it wherever you like, but you have to accept other’s freedom as well.
We, the community, like our website, and we like our operating system, and that’s a good enough reason to have it the way it is.