Hello Garuda users,
After being transferred from the Garuda Forum to a gaming forum where things weren’t great and having all of my accounts wiped, I wanted to give this another shot to see if it was someone from here or one of my neighbours once again. Hopefully, it won’t occur again this time the.
I came here to ask for help because I was experiencing multiple issues with a game that wasn’t game-specific.
So after the hack, my computer and accounts were reconfigured, but at least one fan control issue persists. Despite my attempts, of stripping my PC down and cleaning it re-building everything changing the fan control in BIOS hasn’t improved it at all.
One of the reasons I moved from Windows 10 Pro to Garuda Linux is because, due to the Z270X-Gaming 5 motherboard I use, no more Bios updates that don’t crash the MB from 2016 are available for it and a fellow work mate suggested I go with a Linux Distro.
I went here to https://wiki.archlinux.org/title try to make sense of what could be modified and to try to figure out how to control my fans so they would be quieter. All I could manage to do here was enable/inspect the sensors; as for adjusting, there was a lot I didn’t understand and may just be a little over my head with tweaking “pwmconfig” files most of the other forums/sites pointed back to the the Arch wiki site. A step by step so to speak would be ideal but was unabale to find one
Side Note:
I utilised https://getfancontrol.com/ on Windows 10 Pro it was much easier when I was using W10Pro.
In the long run (i e side note) I was wondering if there was an easier way to control fans on Linux most of the other sites I visited was for different Distros, laptops and playing with the pwmconfig files which isn’t my cup of tea unless it can put in simpler terms or a how to create one or how to configure voltages. Power usage fan specs and voltage is a recipe for disaster for me with out knowing what the correct voltages are a or being a programmer/developer.
I was thinking of manual way maybe a fan controller with an attenuation switch, for; while, I am not gaming of course would only be for the case fans to be turned down a notch or two.
In the interim I’ll just keep my fingers crossed and hope that it doesn’t blow up or burn out the fans or maybe even get hacked again, I have left my Garuda inxi file below if you need any thing else journal errors, Systemd Analyze or last pacman logs let me now I have them in a folder ready to go.
Kernel: 6.10.0-zen1-2-zen arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 14.1.1
clocksource: tsc avail: hpet,acpi_pm
parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/@/boot/vmlinuz-linux-zen
root=UUID=d0f8eb0a-2d16-4cc4-9be1-6a244d1ed372 rw rootflags=subvol=@
loglevel=3 splash ibt=off
Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 6.1.3 tk: Qt v: N/A info: frameworks v: 6.4.0
wm: kwin_wayland vt: 1 dm: SDDM Distro: Garuda base: Arch Linux
Type: Desktop Mobo: Gigabyte model: Z270X-Gaming 5
serial: <superuser required> uuid: <superuser required>
UEFI-[Legacy]: American Megatrends v: F4 date: 11/18/2016
Info: model: Intel Core i7-6700K bits: 64 type: MT MCP arch: Skylake-S
gen: core 6 level: v3 note: check built: 2015 process: Intel 14nm family: 6
model-id: 0x5E (94) stepping: 3 microcode: 0xF0
Topology: cpus: 1x cores: 4 tpc: 2 threads: 8 smt: enabled cache:
L1: 256 KiB desc: d-4x32 KiB; i-4x32 KiB L2: 1024 KiB desc: 4x256 KiB
L3: 8 MiB desc: 1x8 MiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 875 high: 901 min/max: 800/4200 scaling:
driver: intel_pstate governor: powersave cores: 1: 900 2: 901 3: 800 4: 900
5: 900 6: 900 7: 900 8: 800 bogomips: 63999
Flags: avx avx2 ht lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx
Vulnerabilities: <filter>
Device-1: NVIDIA GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] vendor: Gigabyte driver: nvidia
v: 555.58.02 alternate: nouveau,nvidia_drm non-free: 545.xx+ status: current
(as of 2024-06; EOL~2026-12-xx) arch: Pascal code: GP10x
process: TSMC 16nm built: 2016-2021 pcie: gen: 3 speed: 8 GT/s lanes: 2
link-max: lanes: 16 ports: active: none off: DP-1,HDMI-A-2,HDMI-A-3
empty: DVI-D-1,HDMI-A-1 bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:1c82 class-ID: 0300
Display: wayland server: X.org v: with: Xwayland v: 24.1.1
compositor: kwin_wayland driver: X: loaded: nvidia
unloaded: modesetting,nouveau alternate: fbdev,nv,vesa gpu: nvidia
d-rect: 5760x1080 display-ID: 0
Monitor-1: DP-1 pos: right res: 1920x1080 size: N/A modes: N/A
Monitor-2: HDMI-A-2 pos: primary,left res: 1920x1080 size: N/A modes: N/A
Monitor-3: HDMI-A-3 pos: center res: 1920x1080 size: N/A modes: N/A
API: EGL v: 1.5 hw: drv: nvidia platforms: device: 0 drv: nvidia device: 2
drv: swrast gbm: drv: nvidia surfaceless: drv: nvidia wayland: drv: nvidia
x11: drv: zink inactive: device-1
API: OpenGL v: 4.6.0 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: nvidia mesa v: 555.58.02
glx-v: 1.4 direct-render: yes renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
memory: 3.91 GiB display-ID: :1.0
API: Vulkan v: 1.3.279 layers: 14 device: 0 type: discrete-gpu name: NVIDIA
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti driver: nvidia v: 555.58.02 device-ID: 10de:1c82
surfaces: xcb,xlib,wayland device: 1 type: cpu name: llvmpipe (LLVM
18.1.8 256 bits) driver: mesa llvmpipe v: 24.1.4-arch1.2 (LLVM 18.1.8)
device-ID: 10005:0000 surfaces: xcb,xlib,wayland
Device-1: Intel 200 Series PCH HD Audio vendor: Gigabyte
driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel alternate: snd_soc_avs bus-ID: 00:1f.3
chip-ID: 8086:a2f0 class-ID: 0403
Device-2: NVIDIA GP107GL High Definition Audio vendor: Gigabyte
driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel pcie: gen: 3 speed: 8 GT/s lanes: 2
link-max: lanes: 16 bus-ID: 01:00.1 chip-ID: 10de:0fb9 class-ID: 0403
Device-3: SteelSeries ApS Arctis Nova 7
driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid type: USB rev: 2.0 speed: 12 Mb/s
lanes: 1 mode: 1.1 bus-ID: 1-13:4 chip-ID: 1038:2202 class-ID: 0300
API: ALSA v: k6.10.0-zen1-2-zen status: kernel-api with: aoss
type: oss-emulator tools: N/A
Server-1: sndiod v: N/A status: off tools: aucat,midicat,sndioctl
Server-2: PipeWire v: 1.2.1 status: active with: 1: pipewire-pulse
status: active 2: wireplumber status: active 3: pipewire-alsa type: plugin
4: pw-jack type: plugin tools: pactl,pw-cat,pw-cli,wpctl
Device-1: Intel Ethernet I219-V vendor: Gigabyte driver: e1000e v: kernel
port: N/A bus-ID: 00:1f.6 chip-ID: 8086:15b8 class-ID: 0200
IF: enp0s31f6 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Device-2: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet vendor: Gigabyte
driver: alx v: kernel pcie: gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 1 port: d000
bus-ID: 06:00.0 chip-ID: 1969:e0b1 class-ID: 0200
IF: enp6s0 state: down mac: <filter>
Info: services: NetworkManager,systemd-timesyncd
Device-1: Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode) driver: btusb
v: 0.8 type: USB rev: 2.0 speed: 12 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 1.1 bus-ID: 1-14:5
chip-ID: 0a12:0001 class-ID: e001
Report: btmgmt ID: hci0 rfk-id: 0 state: up address: <filter> bt-v: 4.0
lmp-v: 6 status: discoverable: no pairing: no class-ID: 6c0104
Local Storage: total: 8.42 TiB used: 234.36 GiB (2.7%)
SMART Message: Unable to run smartctl. Root privileges required.
ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 maj-min: 259:0 vendor: Samsung model: SSD 950 PRO 256GB
size: 238.47 GiB block-size: physical: 512 B logical: 512 B speed: 31.6 Gb/s
lanes: 4 tech: SSD serial: <filter> fw-rev: 2B0QBXX7 temp: 29.9 C
scheme: MBR
ID-2: /dev/sda maj-min: 8:0 vendor: Western Digital
model: WD40EFRX-68WT0N0 size: 3.64 TiB block-size: physical: 4096 B
logical: 512 B speed: 6.0 Gb/s tech: HDD rpm: 5400 serial: <filter>
fw-rev: 0A80 scheme: GPT
ID-3: /dev/sdb maj-min: 8:16 vendor: Western Digital
model: WD40EFRX-68N32N0 size: 3.64 TiB block-size: physical: 4096 B
logical: 512 B speed: 6.0 Gb/s tech: HDD rpm: 5400 serial: <filter>
fw-rev: 0A82 scheme: GPT
ID-4: /dev/sdc maj-min: 8:32 vendor: Samsung model: SSD 840 EVO 1TB
size: 931.51 GiB block-size: physical: 512 B logical: 512 B speed: 6.0 Gb/s
tech: SSD serial: <filter> fw-rev: DB6Q scheme: MBR
ID-1: / raw-size: 931.51 GiB size: 931.51 GiB (100.00%)
used: 234.36 GiB (25.2%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sdc1 maj-min: 8:33
ID-2: /home raw-size: 931.51 GiB size: 931.51 GiB (100.00%)
used: 234.36 GiB (25.2%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sdc1 maj-min: 8:33
ID-3: /var/log raw-size: 931.51 GiB size: 931.51 GiB (100.00%)
used: 234.36 GiB (25.2%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sdc1 maj-min: 8:33
ID-4: /var/tmp raw-size: 931.51 GiB size: 931.51 GiB (100.00%)
used: 234.36 GiB (25.2%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sdc1 maj-min: 8:33
Kernel: swappiness: 133 (default 60) cache-pressure: 100 (default) zswap: no
ID-1: swap-1 type: zram size: 62.74 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) priority: 100
comp: zstd avail: lzo,lzo-rle,lz4,lz4hc,842 max-streams: 8 dev: /dev/zram0
System Temperatures: cpu: 31.0 C mobo: N/A
Fan Speeds (rpm): cpu: 0 fan-2: 0 fan-3: 0
Power: 12v: N/A 5v: N/A 3.3v: 3.33 vbat: 3.27
Memory: total: 64 GiB note: est. available: 62.74 GiB used: 4.87 GiB (7.8%)
Processes: 315 Power: uptime: 51m states: freeze,mem,disk suspend: deep
avail: s2idle wakeups: 0 hibernate: platform avail: shutdown, reboot,
suspend, test_resume image: 25.04 GiB services: org_kde_powerdevil,
power-profiles-daemon, upowerd Init: systemd v: 256 default: graphical
tool: systemctl
Packages: pm: pacman pkgs: 2260 libs: 568 tools: octopi,pamac,paru
Compilers: clang: 18.1.8 gcc: 14.1.1 Shell: garuda-inxi default: fish
v: 3.7.1 running-in: konsole inxi: 3.3.35
Garuda (2.6.26-1):
System install date: 2024-06-19
Last full system update: 2024-07-25
Is partially upgraded: No
Relevant software: snapper NetworkManager dracut nvidia-dkms
Windows dual boot: <superuser required>
Failed units:
Fan speed control:
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title informative
GitHub - Maldela/fancontrol-gui: GUI for Fancontrol. It uses the KAuth module of the KDE Frameworks 5 to write the generated config file. Furthermore it communicates with systemd via dbus to control the fancontrol service. If you want to compile without systemd support set the -DNO_SYSTEMD option.
This is outdated and I had no control what so ever for fans that I could use or even utilise all I could do with this was freeze my system up once installed from Octopi I read through the info and followed the instructions to the letter but yeah for some reason I had to uninstall it as I am just guessing it is for a laptop hardware specific to Del as it works fine on my 2003 Del studio laptop running Garuda Linux Multi boot W10pro 11 pro Kali Linux and Ubuntu 20.24 and this laptop is nearly 20 years old and I haven’t had half the problems that I have had wit the desktop half its age. So I guess it goes without saying they are Laptop Distro’s and maybe the reason they don’t work as well and of course being windows.
Fan Speed and CPU Temp not showing plus Fan Controller not working
I also came across this on my search and would like to know how this guy got the equaliser working for my desktop, for laptop it just works.
I have no doubts that they are on a laptop as this also works fine on my laptop.