It’s a shame that you don’t like it, the maintainer has made such an effort. I have to admit that I also changed a lot, so I hardly get along with the subsequent changes from @Ankur.
As said from @Yada, everything is in the WWW, and since Hyprland is still on the beta stage, only experienced users should use it.
I really love this theme, I’m just playing around with it. I see other people that the manage to have a few thing different and I want to do something like that.
This is something I want to learn, just on how to move icons in the bar and add something else. I’m not a pro with this, other people seems to be offended just that I ask this question.
The bellow picture is just an example of what I want to do with the taskbar.
In my opinion, the arrangement of the objects in the waybar(s) has nothing to do with looking better. Even if you use the gaps or blur settings, it has nothing to do with looking better, you just adapt the theme to your needs.
Likewise, if you go and change the dark theme to a light one, change the icons, change the line widths, you still haven’t made it look better, you’ve just customized it to your taste
Look at other peoples configs and compare the one you have. While this is a lengthy and boring process, it should help you understand what changes what.
experiment and be ready for (a lot of) broken stuff
You can also use configs made by others just to save time! Look here: Show off your pimped Garuda Hyprland Edition 🎭. Here I and others have shared links to configs made by different people and instructions on how to install them too.
Personal suggestion:
Just try modifyinng the default Garuda configs rather than install others. Why? because some things might just not work, cause system to slow down with all those flashy animations. You basically end up putting lot of time in installing and also then modifying them to suit your needs. On other hand the configs Garuda devs (@Ankur@SGS) provide is beautiful, adequate and tested to work.
Don’t ever look at stuff like r/unixporn for inspiration. It acts more like a demotivator.
There is nothing like being offended, sometimes the translators that we use make to sound like we are offended.
Better not to believe just at a single shot , translators(like google translators) creates confusion.
SGS has already replied to this thing :
That’s why I have to rely on brain translator , because when I translate English into Hindi by AI’s , then meanings that I get of sentences are crazy
and same goes for other languages .