I did this and I no longer have any app menu anywhere.
I also looked into those posts:
(Btw I’m not looking to get app menu in the title bar, just in the usual place of most DE/WM, with the app window)
So this isn’t a new topic, I struggle as much as others, and the search in the forum didn’t yield any working answer so far…
Also: some answers in old posts I linked here said that it is solved, while it isn’t (which is rather misleading when searching for a solution).
Could anyone be so kind as to point me to some resource for that?
I tried https://forum.garudalinux.org/t/missing-menu-bars/1630:
with (in .config)
sed -i 's/MenuBar=Disabled/MenuBar=Enabled/' *rc
And also for konsolerc
And of course, disconnect and reconnect the user.
This works for konsole.
But not for dolphin as it is reverted to Disabled by some process in my back!!!
And it’s not working for other apps like Chrome.