Memavaild-git and memavaild are in conflict

When I use the Setup assistant in Welcome Garuda, it gives error as follows

Synchronizing package databases...
Refreshing extra.db...
Failed to prepare transaction:
conflicting dependencies:
- memavaild-git and memavaild are in conflict
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
Failed to prepare transaction:
conflicting dependencies:
- memavaild-git and memavaild are in conflict

I can't go any further to update my system.

sudo pacman -Syu memavaild prelockd ananicy

Related to


Not resolving... I tried the

sudo pacman -Syu ananicy memavaild prelockd

and got the following output

Then force uninstall ananicy-git memavaild-git prelockd-git before, they will be replaced by their respective stable package

sudo pacman -Rdd ananicy-git memavaild-git prelockd-git

Afterwards repeat the first command given.