KDE-git edition coordination

Just thought I'd put it out there. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

from what I read from his blogs and talked to him on reddit, he has massive and good goals.

but its the kind of goals that take years to finish properly

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Please try to test on bare metal if you can. If the installation problem I encountered is not specific to my own hardware, then it’s definitely a showstopper… well it can still be installed with a prepared partition table, but not straight from Calamares.

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I understand. The issue is that installing to a new partition on bare metal isn’t a problem, but cleaning all disk … I have the “W” OS installed and not space enough to make a full dd of it.

I will see if I can think of something!

apart from the issue of @zoeruda (testing on live hardware, although I did test on empty disk on vm), the current issues are:

  • sddm seems to not be set to autologin on live, needing for user to login manually
  • on firm update, the pacman keys don't work, need a pacman-key --populate to fix
  • discover seems to be missing in action (creating an empty missing icon on the panel)
  • the theme on sddm (default theme i mean) seems to be missing also (the one that appears is the untheme appearence)

other than that, yeah, seems good :slight_smile:


I'll look into the sddm config [done]. About KDE Discover, I thought about adding it but when I tried to install it it couldn't load the appstream. Have you managed to get it to work in Garuda?


it seems to work fine. (I don't usually use discover, but i could launch it and see the apps available to install)

I installed it with packagekit-qt5 and flatpak dependencies


Do you guys need a testing iso? Looks like some nice progress indeed :slight_smile:


The latest iso I tested, was garuda-kde-git-linux-zen-211222.iso iso !

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Then we have another one here: https://iso.builds.garudalinux.org/iso/community/kde-git/211230/garuda-kde-git-linux-zen-211230.iso :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, multiple problems with this one :sob:
Both calamares and alacritty don't start, and kickoff menu is dead...

Errors in text
Created log file at "/tmp/Alacritty-85392.log"
[2021-12-31 02:04:06.062137232] [ERROR] [alacritty] Alacritty encountered an unrecoverable error:
                                                        There was an error initializing the shaders: Failed compiling shader: 0:1(10): error: GLSL 3.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, and 1.00 ES

calamares: error while loading shared libraries: libkpmcore.so.11: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/Kickoff.qml:128:34: Type FullRepresentation unavailable

file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:71:22: Type NormalPage unavailable

file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/NormalPage.qml:20:22: Type ApplicationsPage unavailable

file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/ApplicationsPage.qml:16:23: Type KickoffListView unavailable

file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/KickoffListView.qml:180:13: Cannot assign to non-existent property "filterMouseEvents"

Okay, very good that you did a test run! :scream: So Calamares can be fixed by a rebuild, however it looks like the kickoff menu is bugged currently. Its present in my installation as well :confused:
Edit: calamares-git got rebuilt :slight_smile:


Probably it's due to chaotic aur errors.

There are a lot of packages giving errors, i just didn't said anything for fear of becoming annoying.

I dual boot with Gentoo KDE git and everything is working there.


Are you interested in helping with the maintenance of those packages (eg. rebuilding if needed, etc) ?

Sure…, its the least I can do to give back help to Garuda!


uhm, yep! Good thing I now found out whats going on. So whats happening is basically that all builds are being done in /tmp, which is being limited to 25GB. After some time (especially after a reboot didn’t happen for a longer period of time) this fills up and leads to the errors which you were talking about. I’ll need to setup automatic cleaning to fix this forever :slight_smile: Guess whats working again after a full routine :smiley:

Thats great, some help is good to have. I’ll come back at you :slight_smile:



New iso with updated packages :slight_smile:


Great finding!!!

I was thinking on really working on that "script to skip already built git packages", since I was thinking that spawning the containers to try to build the packages would be at least using unnecessary space! ( besides speeding up things ).

Sure, at least I see it as a win-win situation:

  • I help back and feel good about myself, telling all the girls I meet “btw, I am helping Garuda Arch” :slight_smile:
  • Have kde-git on all computers with garuda and maybe not compile packages in main computer on gentoo :stuck_out_tongue:
  • I do my daily linux devops needs/fix/addiction

btw… I updated and all seems good now.
Next step: akonadi/pim tools :stuck_out_tongue:


That was also what I was missing in Arch when coming from Gentoo like almost 2 years ago. And I have to admit, Chaotic-AUR kind of satisfies this addiction :yum:

If you want, you can take a look at creating PKGBUILDs for them. You don't need to reinvent the wheel as stable PKGBUILDs can be pulled directly from Arch with asp. Then, all it needs are little modifications to build from git - examples on how to do this can be seen in our Chaotic-AUR repo. So, the procedure could be as follows:

  1. asp checkout kmail
  2. navigate to the trunk folder
  3. Replace all kde/plasma dependencies and groups with -git ones
  4. Replace source with the respective invent.kde git repo and set checksum to skip
  5. Adapt build() and package() to the new folder name, which no longer contains the pkgver
  6. set pkgver(), to get correct pkgvers, examples for different kind of KDE applications can be found in the KDE repo (@IslandC0der did a great job at figuring this out, the regular ones don't work well with KDE stuff)
  7. Add a notice about this being a asp'd PKGBUILD and maintainers

A little real world example, plasma-systemmonitor-git :slight_smile:
It would be good to keep the style consistent with the rest of our packages, I think these are some quality PKGBUILDs following @IslandC0der's way of doing it :slight_smile: