KDE, ensuring continued support!

Could be interesting, I haven't quite figured out how to build with other than the zen kernel though. How did the Latte stuff turn out this time?

@zoeruda Pretty good

@RUanauR Very nice job :star_struck:

It's a spacious desktop and a very good implementation of KDE :+1:

Only bugs in the image I've noticed are the disproportionate eagle in conky and that the global menus sometimes appear slightly off from their titles (they adjust to where they should be after hovering over another menu)

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Its not an issue i can solve as it happens because if your screen resolution

That an issue with the global menu extension.

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So I just need to change the kernel then we should be able to build an iso

Change 78x59 to 120x120 or 60x60, how you like :slight_smile:
The old logo was a rectangle and not a square by replacing it, the conky.conf had to be adapted.
But this has nothing to do with the screen resolution.


Considering it was the team who suggested it should use a realtime kernel, I don’t see much attention given to making it happen, so I think at this point, it’s fair to request this to be built as a community edition as is (since adding the kernel from the user repo didn’t work).

Given this is fixed, of course :wink:

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A last test iso is currently building, if thats fine we will include it in the next release :grin:
Unrelated in this thread, but a MATE test iso is building afterwards :wink:


Looks good to me!
Edit: For some reason the Kvantum theme is not applied correctly :eyes:


Added whitesur-kvantum-theme-git as a depend, maybe that was the issue :eyes:



Just checked on a new iso, it seems to have another cause :smiley:


Oh well... I wish @RUanauR was a bit more reactive here.


Sorry i am on vacation

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What is this 'vacation' you refer to ? :wink:

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I am in SA for 6 weeks what did you think i meant

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Is it ready?

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Everything seems to be fine but the Kvantum theme, the default one is active rather than WhiteSur-dark.


Hummmmmmmmmmmmm... yea thats not supposed to happen

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My personal thoughts on this topic are as follows: while it would be nice to have this edition back I feel like there won't be any support for it in case of issues. Take the Kvantum theme as example - it hasn't seen a fix since 20 days and most of the work on it lately was in fact done by @zoeruda and me. I don't plan to maintain this edition and I guess @zoeruda isn't either so there is little point in getting this out as community edition in the next release.
If anyone wants to take over or @RUanauR starts taking maintenance serious there is nothing holding its release back but for now, there is little point in releasing it as is if not even a rather minor issue can be resolved in adequate time. :thinking:


I am almost back fom vacation and i joined intercraft so i wont have alot of time