Jaw droppingly beautiful

My name is Maddie, and I am new to Garuda! First of all, WOW! WOW! WOW! and a little bit of holy#%$ this is a beautiful OS. I have never actually been impressed by any other OS in my 40 years of being a computer hobbyist. None, zip, notta have ever looked so clean, easy, understandable, or as just damn pretty as Garuda. Thank you Garuda, for just being gorgeous.

Secondly, uh... well... you all know this but, WOW! Everything I need right out of the box. When has that happened in Linux for me? I started using Linux as a practitioner and hobby in 1996, and it has never. I was up and running with discord, steam, and the rather sexy Firedragon in moments. Again, thank you Garuda for all the dev work in making it work so well out of the usb stick and into my life.

I am just going to gush here for a bit. I love this OS. I really, really love being considered important as a gamer in the linux community. You really have outdone yourself, and not only that, converted me to Arch and confirmed my life away from MS and corporate control in one stop. So much so that what follows, is HOW important it was to me. I have been a Secondlife player since 2005. I was on the verge of just giving up the game, which upset many people, as I could not find a solution to my problem. I know it is unsupported, and this is not just Garuda, but Linux, the client devs, AND the game Devs, and not just in a small way, but in a soon, doom, loooooming large way that has been pushing fellow linux noobs like me away. I did find the information from a linux enthusiast, and they shared the knowledge i needed. I share it it now with the community at large, just in case some one is looking for it. In all humbleness, my inability to know how to solve this was my only barrier, but I would have stuck by Garuda, and not SL.

I decided to join in talking to you here for a stupid, little loved game called Secondlife. I am posting this here to share information that is hard to find outside of our increasingly insular community, aside from just saying hi and introducing myself. If you are like me and do not know how to chess expert manipulate libs and such, this knowledge was invaluable. Big big thanks to player Xocel in secondlife for making it available.

**NOTE!!! - I DID NOT USE ANYTHING FOR VOICE CHAT, I only used this: **
sudo pacman -S glu gtk2 libxcrypt-compat

I post the entire message for completeness, just in case someone else needs more. I figured I didn't care about voice, I just needed to be able to log in. Once logged in (oh i was so relieved SOMETHING worked,) I found I did not need to worry about it and voice worked.
[A copy of the original post can be found at - https://my.secondlife.com/xocel/picks/33f36edf-3b0a-0083-9390-243db9a020b8]

These were tested on a fresh install of Arch Linux with Gnome desktop environment, pipewire audio, and multilib enabled and "yay" AUR helper on March 28th 2022, but should also work on Manjaro, Garuda Linux, and Endevour OS as they are Arch-based. These instructions were also previously tested with a system using Pulse Audio in late 2021 and have been shown to work with those as well.

Running the viewer:

First, before the viewer will even run you need to install a few dependencies.

sudo pacman -S glu gtk2 libxcrypt-compat

Voice chat:
In order for voice chat to work you will need to install a few dependencies. Some are from AUR using yay command.

sudo pacman -S gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly lib32-gst-plugins-base lib32-gst-plugins-good lib32-libpulse lib32-alsa-plugins lib32-alsa-lib libidn11 lib32-libidn11

yay -S lib32-libstdc++5 lib32-libstdc++28


I have no time to play :frowning: :wink:



Welcome to the forums! :smiley:
Didn't expect to see other Second Life users here, let alone other people that have been around since the early days of it.
The firestorm-bin in the AUR has been pretty hassle-free for me to use as a SL client :smile:


SL to me is more like when other folks sit down at the end of the day with their friends or family, I just say game because it is easier to explain. That being said, thank you for the welcome, and thank you for your work on the team!

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Feel free to contact me IG Maddness Axon. Usually on around 6pm -10pm Pacific time USA

Hey thanks everyone who liked my post! I figure I will update it on my progress and such, say thanks, and amble the forums after this.

After finding those three libraries that made SecondLife work, I went on to add much more to the games and usability sector. I use Mixxx to provide music to my communities club in SL. Long time DJ who used to playlist with winamp, but since that died I swapped over to Mixxx. OFC since its opensource no problems there.

I play League of Legends which is notorious to make work in linux, but using Kyechou's excellent wrapper which you can find here -

I found this when i started this "#$^% winblows" i am using linux full time adventure on kubuntu, because Chris Titus recommended it for noobs. I had noticed it was also for Arch, so well anyways, I found it after searching. Lutris is crap for LoL. Don't use it.

I added Blizzard.net with steam, and others games I play are mostly also steam ports. I have used the built in garuda proton on everything, and everything works amazing. I do play a few linux native games, and those are also, i mean at this stage of course, without issue.

I had an issue with zoom, because OF COURSE some medical teleview I do "insists" on using zoom (big room laugh here, they "insist" because of security! Zoom! For Security!!! ahhhhhhahahahahahah!!! Asked since I passed intake if we could in the future please please PLEASE use Jitsi.) I installed winblows on Virtual Machine Manager and was able to use sound. Dunno why my cam would not detect, I know nothing about VM's. It worked the day before. DO I care? actually not one stinkin bit. They wont use Jitsi, they get no cam. Tired of ME having to compromise to suit suits.

Other than that - Garuda = Home
When I have a few extra bucks I will toss it in the hat. Other than that I will continue to do what I have done before, share, communicate, teach others to be free on the machine they own, private on the web (OH I LOVE FIREDRAGON!!!!!!) and let the little corner of the world I live in know there are alternatives.

PS - A small shout out to Puppy Linux. Small, portable, multidistro choices, easy to use, not made for installation, works great in those "pinches." Runs totally in RAM on lightweight requirements. They kept me interested in linux for the past 15 years. I liked and used the deb and the slackware version. Still worth, still resides on a USB next door to my garuda install usb. Will until its dead, check 'em out!

PPS - Hey! I am a first time Arch user too!

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