Issues with vpn-unlimited and

vpn-unlimited version 9: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file

Any thoughts on this to my knowledge my system is up to date.

I’m having a very similar issue, I cannot load megasync anymore

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Since today when I updated the system. I’m pretty sure they are related, currently trying to find which package owns them and possibly downgrade as a quick test.

What if you do

paru -Qi icu

Do you get version 74, or 73?
Might be a version incompatibility with libraries. Not sure yet how to fix it.

 ╭─reggie@garudaG in ~ 
 ╰─λ paru -Qi icu
Name            : icu
Version         : 74.2-1
Description     : International Components for Unicode library
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : custom:icu
Groups          : None
Provides        :
Depends On      : gcc-libs  glibc  sh
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : bind  boost-libs  boost174-libs  electron22  garuda-settings-manager  geary  gnustep-base
                  gspell  harfbuzz-icu  lib32-icu  libcdr  libe-book  libical  libmspub  libphonenumber
                  libqxp  libreoffice-fresh  libvisio  libxml2  libzmf  qt6-base  raptor  smbclient  tepl
                  thunderbird  tracker3  unarchiver  webkit2gtk  webkit2gtk-4.1
Optional For    : xfsprogs
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 40.38 MiB
Packager        : Andreas Radke <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Sat 16 Dec 2023 01:50:41 AM EST
Install Date    : Sun 17 Dec 2023 12:37:46 PM EST
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature

Your vpn-unlimited is probably looking for version 73, but now we got 74.
vpn-unlimited would need be updated to use version 74.

I think that’s the issue.

I am trying to see if there’s a possible workaround. I hate when these mismatches happen.


Understood. I do have an alternative if I have to wait on VPN-Unlimited to update their version to one that supports 74.

vpn-unlimited seems to be only available from the AUR repo.
It probably just needs a rebuild which you can do yourself, however I have never installed packages from AUR direclty, I’m not sure of the command, maybe paru -S vpn-unlimited

It’s also possible one of vpn-unlimited’s dependency might need a rebuild too. It’s sometimes complicated and I’m really not an expert on that one.

That’s correct I pulled the package from the AUR. It worked for a long time until the last update. But as I explained I have a backup to VPN-Unlimited from Proton VPN which works just fine. I will just wait on an update. Doubt I will be the only one with this issue.

I use VPN Unlimited, but the client in AUR won’t work. I did some research awhile back, some of their dependencies use older versions. It is basically built for Ubuntu and no other distro. If you need their OpenVPN, you will be out of luck, even if you use it without the client via Network-manager, it won’t work. They are using/requiring Ubuntu’s version of openssl, which I think is, Arch uses version

I would suggest forgoing the client and just use their l2tp/IPsec option and set it up using network-manager. Google for a how-to, not that hard. It works flawlessly for me.

If you torrent and need a kill-switch that would normally have come with the VPN unlimited client, use qbittorent which has one built in, easy to configure.


This is not just for vpn-unlimited or megasync but also ungoogled-chromium.

Update: chromium fixed now, muchos gracias there!

I hate when these mismatches happen.

I don’t know why Arch / pacman land cannot have packaging / repo-side refusal of breaking updates given that all dependencies are known, but I suppose it’s due to the many disparate individual AURs out there? If one sticks to just-one, is that still possible / common? (Curiousity, coming from years in Void / xbps land here.)

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