Install Garuda on 4Kn Drive

That’s really great thing, thank you so much.

By the way, no trim-option in the fstab? I sow in Garuda-Videos in youtube there is a Garuda-App for setting trim-option, will do it in the same conf-file or somewhere else?.

The best thing of your /etc/fstab, there is the UEFI-partition formatted in vfat and mounted under /boot/efi.

Would almost say: all “problems” almost solved.

Maybe I have luck making all partitions at first, than formatting only UEFI & SWAP and finally let overtake from Calamares to make BTRFS-ROOT, Subvolumes, etc.

Thanks anyway

I think have read a comment about not supporting dual-boot or multi-boot, well, to be clear I don’t want to do it, I just want select it from MB-BIOS (Motherboard UEFI-BIOS), I never ask for support dual- or multi-booting and will also not do it in the future.
The installer have just to remain on his only one assigned drive, even grub-os-prober is not wanted ;-).