I want to completely remove garuda from my system and move to another distro?

true you practically have to constantly use protection (insert condom joke here) in the form of antivirus and things of that nature

My 3 girls PC's have never had a key and get updates.

Quote from article -

Windows Updates will indeed download and install updates even when your Windows 10 isn't activated. Period.

OK, then let's start ... :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

fight fight fight!

By the way, a deactivated Win10 compared to Garuda - that's the ultimate crash!

I have zero interest in doing windows on this forum, as it is (as you point out) a GARUDA forum and my days of windows have passed.

@bam - you have your answers and choices...time to get to it!

I'm out, wish you all the best :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


yeah been working on it while i was talking but have a nice day bro thanks again!