How to install tp link archer t2u plus drivers in garuda linux

Hey guys pls help me i have recently installed garuda linux on my computer but i cant install the drivers for t2u plus pls help me without that i cant use my internet on pc pls help me out.

Hi, welcome!
Please provide detailed system information via the output of
inxi -Fza
formatted with 3 ~ before and after that text.

With a forum search, I found this one that you could try:

and in the Arch forum this one (solution/driver is at the end):


Sorry bro but this didn't solved my problem this for how to fix 5ghz but I want to install drivers

Sorry, I meant to check the drivers mentioned there: rtl88XXau or rtl88xx-aircrack-dkms.git.
And in the arch forum AUR (en) - rtl8821au-dkms-git


There is absolutely no need to beg for help.

You did not provide the information requested (i.e. to find out specifically what hardware you have). The linked thread even tells you which driver package to try.

If you post again please provide the information requested in a format that allows people to help you without having to ask you a series of questions first. Also, begging for help means you will be ignored - searching the web or the forum first is part of the expectations of being a member of this forum.

Finally, if you can’t be bothered to read the information provided by forum members - who voluntarily give their time - then this is not the best forum for you.


As @jonathon stated both links @filo provided had the driver you needed to install listed.

Why bother begging for help if you can’t even be bothered to read the links provided to you. Especially when they contain the answers you are seeking “bro”.

I am marking @filo’s opening post as the solution, as if you had bothered to read the links carefully you would have found your required driver was provided for you in those links bro.


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