Help Garuda fails to boot after today's update

Edit: Thanks for pointing it out I have changed those instructions and tested them on my system.

Jeshu please follow the below post :point_down:

I hope you didn’t uninstall dracut while installing mkinitcpio. Please remove mkinitcpio and check dracut is properly installed or not by running

sudo pacman -S garuda-dracut-support

It should reinstall everything dracut related if it was removed.

Then rebuild initramfs

sudo dracut-rebuild

And that should be it. Reboot and check if adding splash back to kernel parameter in grub allows it to boot or not. If it does you can make it permanent if it doesn’t well no harm done you can just reboot normally.

Well yeah you need to rebuild your initramfs for it to work properly. Afterall removing the splash parameter is to disable plymouth.


Just came here to say thank you to @Jeshu . I run two workstations on Garuda (one for personal work, one for work, both with Nvidia GPUs) and have encountered black screen loading ramdisk problem. I decided to simply reinstall Garuda on the first one with garuda-dr460nized-linux-zen-230501.iso, updated to latest packages, and, interestingly enough, the problem persists only when I manually select the the first option in the GRUB menu. But when GRUB boots automatically into the first default option in the menu (after default 5 seconds, or something like that), Garuda boots just fine. I will probably remove the splash option once I get back to the station.

On the second workstation, I followed exactly the steps that @Jeshu described and that fixed the broken install for me. Just removed splash option from GRUB commands, no re-installation was necessary.


Yup! Deleting the "splash" option from GRUB commands works great!


Can't even tell the difference so it seems pretty redundant.
Kind of like waving grass in the breeze in a racing simulator..

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It seems like it has been fixed and i added the splash option again. It least we know what to do next time this happens.

Thank for the replies people. i appreciated your help.

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