Garuda stuck on boot - Issues reinstalling grub from live USB

To chroot from the live USB into your installed system, you can try with the relevant tool in the Garuda Welcome of the live USB.
If not working, there is also a manual procedure here.
You should mount the "broken" btrfs system partition not the UEFI system partition.

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/broken
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p6 /mnt/broken
sudo garuda-chroot /mnt/broken/@

Change nvme0n1p6 with your system partition, if I did not pick up the right one.
When inside the chroot your have to mount the esp, which could be:

mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /boot/efi

And proceed with the tutorial.
In general, do not use /dev/sda or /dev/sdax in the manual procedure. These are your USB key and relevant partitions.