Garuda hyprland booting issue

Hmm, it looks like the installer has set “in” as the keymap according to your language/keyboard layout selection, but it is not actually an available keymap in localectl list-keymaps. Honestly I’m not sure which of your available keymaps will be closest for you; maybe you can look through the list yourself and see if you recognize any of those options.

Once you decide on a keymap that will work for your keyboard, edit /etc/vconsole.conf and change the KEYMAP= line to use that keymap. For example, to switch to the us keymap:

sudo micro /etc/vconsole.conf

Then rebuild the initramfs.

sudo dracut-rebuild

Reboot, and test again if you can start a Hyprland session normally.


Nothing working

Showing same error

Describe what you have done leading up to “nothing working” with as much detail as possible. You are the only one who can see your computer at the moment; “nothing working” is not enough information to determine what the issue is.

I set it to us-en
Then rebuild it

I also tried it to using us only

Can you pls take remote access via ssh or any other method?

As i m getting frustrated
Because i am stuck on this very long time.

us-en is not an available keymap in the output from localectl list-keymaps. Please, review the output if you are not sure. It is this link you posted:

Did you regenerate the initramfs afterward? What was the output from that?

Please post again, after a reboot:

garuda-inxi | nc 9999
cat /etc/vconsole.conf | nc 9999

Then try running again:


If it fails, post the new log the same way as the last time.

No, this is not appropriate. If you can’t get this working on your own you should choose another spin; it is specifically mentioned on the download page that the Hyprland spin is intended for advanced users only.


That’s good, the systemd-vconsole-setup.service failure is gone now at least. Try to run from the TTY:


If it fails, take a picture of the screen. Then cat the error log and pipe it to Termbin like last time so we can see what it says.

I have reinstall it
Keyboard layout set it as default
Now working

Thank you so much for helping me

Glad to hear it, good idea to reinstall with the default keyboard layout.

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But having some issue
When i open menu mu cursor goes stuck
I have to press mod + q 2 3 times then it get free

Thanks to Garuda team and special thanks to @BluishHumility

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