[Failed] Failed to mound /home
[Depend] Dependency failed for Local File Systems
Your are in emergency mode. After logging in type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "stemctl reboot " to reboot, systemctl default" or "exit" to boot into default mode
Give root password for maintainence
or press controll D to continue
Allright let's go the maintenance route. Enter your root account password (It won't be visible as you type it). Press enter that should give you a tty.
First we need to connect to the internet so that we can get some logs. The command
systemctl start NetworkManager.service
should start network manager,
will give you an interface to connect to your wifi. Connect to it. If you are using ethernet you can skip on using nmtui.
Then I need a few things here.
cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999
garuda-inxi | nc termbin.com 9999
journalctl -r -n 500 | nc termbin.com 9999
these commands should generate URL's please upload them here so we can have a look at what's happening.
Unless you copy paste the errors you receive while chrooting how will we assist further…
A, at what step you fail, what error you get, what was the output of the commands before this failed command would be nice.
If you are talking about being unable to boot into the Live ISO then try using ventoy along with other garuda ISO’s available on the website and see if it helps.
Please provide all the details when posting help requests. Something so ambiguous as
I clicked on assistant then chroot /mint/home wrong FS type bad option bad super lock on /dev/ssd4 missing code page or helper program, or other error dmesg may have more information after failed mount system call
The assistant doesn't work for me either. It can't detect my SSD for some reason that's why I linked the post explaining the manual way to do it.
But seeing as how you have a different error from me it might be worth looking at what dmesg might have.
After the failed chroot attempt and getting that warning message do this
sudo dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999
and upload the URL outputted we can see if dmesg has any useful logs for us.
BTW, the credentials for live environment if sudo asks is garuda. Also you need to be connected to internet for this to work.
You can also open a browser in your live ISO session and open forum there. Responding in forum and copying commands being asked to try or articles being asked to follow would be easier.