Introducing Garuda COSMIC

Hi folks, we now have a new Garuda ISO featuring the COSMIC desktop environment. It is very barebones at the moment–basically just the stock COSMIC packages on a Garuda base–but if there is community interest in this, we can certainly build it up as people chime in with their tweaks and ideas. Feel free to take it for a spin and see what you think!

:warning: Please bear in mind that COSMIC is still in an Alpha state, and COSMIC bugs should not be reported to Garuda Linux.

COSMIC is still in an Alpha state

This means that while it’s functional and ready for exploration, you will likely encounter bugs or unfinished features. It is reasonable to expect things to be broken sometimes with an Alpha release.

In general it is not recommended to use this release for a daily driver if you need to use your computer for production or work, or otherwise cannot afford to have downtime.

Please do not report COSMIC bugs to Garuda Linux

We do not develop this software in any way, nor do we anticipate COSMIC devs will be browsing the Garuda Linux forum looking for extra work to do. Please report issues related to COSMIC to the COSMIC devs so they can see what is happening, and work on adding fixes and improvements.

Here is the COSMIC GitHub issue page for reporting issues or adding feature requests:

How to contribute to Garuda COSMIC

The repo for the garuda-cosmic-settings package is here: Garuda Linux 🦅 / Themes and Settings / Settings / Garuda Cosmic Settings · GitLab. There isn’t much in there at the moment, but this is where we can add or change any default configs we want to use in the spin. When the garuda-cosmic-settings package is updated, the corresponding files in /etc/skel will be updated for the users as well.

If you are new to contributing changes to our GitLab, these notes from the repo’s README are a good place to start:

We highly appreciate contributions of any sort! :blush: To do so, please follow these steps:

We will then review the changes and eventually merge them.

There is also a directory in the ISO profile repo with some few core configs and the default package list. community/cosmic · master · Garuda Linux 🦅 / Tools / iso-profiles · GitLab

If you you want to contribute your custom tweaks or ideas but creating merge requests in Git is just too far outside your wheelhouse, feel free to chime in here in the forum instead. :slightly_smiling_face:

Where can I download the ISO?

Use this link:

Check the dates, and grab the ISO from whichever one is the most recent. Happy tinkering! :rocket:


Well this is unexpected!


Yes an unexpected but welcomed surprise. I’ve been reading about Cosmic and it has a lot of potential. Thanks a lot.

OK just tested the live and looks pretty good for a alpha. A few things I ran across. Here are the current current Items I posted about on their GitHub.

WiFi Issue

Non functioning Numpad

Missing external drives


Just to reiterate, chasing down COSMIC bugs is beyond the scope of this project. Please use the COSMIC issue tracker if you would like to get involved with reporting bugs. Since COSMIC is an Alpha release, it will not take a lot of effort to find things that are not working correctly. But listing them off in this topic is just shouting into the void.

A better use for this topic would be to mention something like, “I found an issue with this COSMIC app but was able to solve it by launching with the FOO=BAR environment variable,” or “you can work around this problem by setting x.y.z in your config,” or “I ran into this problem and here is the relevant issue in the COSMIC GitHub repo if anyone would like to track it or add info.”


OK I created my issue tickets there and edited my post here.


I do hope it gets some traction from the community I’m nor really its target user but a 3rd option in the space is welcome.

-I also would love to see one day a from the ground up os from BluishHumility. I think it would be amazing as well.


A what?! :scream:

Closest you are going to get is this somewhat hacky Bash script. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Things sure do seem to move fast here…

Going to wait til you include the beta in your release cause the alfa seems to have a rotating set of issues.

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