Features & Stability Questions


It would be hard to tell objectively. Each system will behave different running under Windows, same as under any Linux variant, and depending on which some small app running in the background etc.
With Garuda, you get the option of choosing between a perofromance-tweaks package and a powersave-tweaks one. I can say that would make a significant difference because my cores, for example, get tuned all the way down to 400MHz on powersave, while they get up to 3000s with performance.

I’m not sure there is a significant difference at all, and if there is the benefits of the easy restores far outweigh the cost.

Either you live with it, or you do some work to solve the issue. There are no shortcuts. Read the guidelines on how to open a support request/bug report and what you should try before opening one:

Hope some of this is helpful!