Failed to install widgets

Hi there, hope you are all well.
I downloaded Kde dragonized and I fell in love with KDE plasma. Although everything in KDE dragonized was fantastic the color was not for me. So I decided to get that finish with barebone but with different color. But when I tried to install any theme and widgets it shows error every time.

Like this one
Download of "Advanced Radio Player" failed, error: Error transferring - server replied: Bad Gateway

What should I do?

Garuda Linux Barebones is made for users who do not want extra software and functionalities and complain about bloat. It contains only the bare minimum of packages needed to get started. (You are on your own, we dont provide any support for Barebones editions!)

just use the Dragon and change the colors :slight_smile:

Maybe try out


Thank You. :blush:

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