Dr460nized Suggestions

Hi, good morning you all, I have some suggestions regarding the Garuda Dr460nized KDE theme, and I’m curious about the opinions of the developers and the community in general.

  1. The first suggestion would be to update the theme and color scheme. I believe it can be modernized to match the aesthetic trends of the Linux community (rices) without giving up its ‘cyberpunk gamer’ essence, making it softer and attracting more users, even the ones that find the current to harsh. For this, I looked for a solid, established color scheme with a large number of ports to various applications. I believe the best fit for these requirements would be ‘Rose Pine.’ Below is an example of it on a desktop:


Another alternative would be Catppuccin, probably the most popular color scheme out there, but I believe it moves away from the Dr460nized feeling, but here is the link for anyone interested:


  1. Another suggestion would be to have a virtual desktop indicator widget on the bar by default. The one I would recommend is Kara, below is an image of it:


It allows for a lot of customization, including coloring the current desktop with the main color of the color scheme, icons, shapes, etc.

  1. Still on the topic of modernization and aesthetics, another widget that would change the feel of the distro, setting it apart, would be Rounded Corners. It creates a more uniform and less abrupt transition between windows in an environment. Here’s an example below:


  1. Finally, and I would not know how the devs feel about this, but since this is a distro that alsos emphasizes performance, I think it would be interesting to offer different kernel options during installation, such as the CachyOS-BORE kernel. Obviously, with a disclaimer that any improvement varies from machine to machine, and it is less stable than the default Zen kernel.

What you all think, are all 4 suggestions horrible ? there is something you can salvage from my blabbering ?

Cheers !

  1. Doubt you’ll get much support to change the theme. They like it. I’ve adjusted to it.
  2. On KDE Point your mouse at upper left corner of monitor till you see all the apps…at top is the desktop and a + button to create a new one…I assume once a 2nd is created you can swap between them there. See Screenshot.
  3. Same answer as 1
  4. Already available post install from the garuda settings manager under kernels.

note I’m just a user so all this was just my personal opinion.


I’ve lost count of how many times this has been discussed here.

In a nutshell, every maintainer/developer designs their DE according to their personal taste.
Each user can then customize the DE according to their wishes. That’s it.
The same applies to the kernel, a one command line is sufficient in the terminal.

But anyone can also post their solutions for customizing the theme here as a tutorial.


I have to admit I’ve been using it for a while. Very cool one as well :grinning:

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So as @SGS say’s the maintainer/developer? the next release of this will mean the next dragonizered edition will be this? As you use this as your daily driver :smiley:

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Well I’m not the only maintainer of dr460nized anymore, and I know @FGD is a big fan of Sweet, so that’s unlikely :yum: Though I already contemplated creating something making use of it… but the missing time is as often an issue.

Catppuccin desktop option in Garuda Nix Subsystem is a thing after all :joy:


so @FGD is the stronger voice and its not a collaboration of ideas :smiley:

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No, he has more time than Nico :smiley:

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I would like to offer Catpuccin as an alternative (not replacement) to Dr460nized Sweet theme, but it requires a lot of work to theme everything.

For example which theme would be provided by default with Firedragon? When you change Global Theme it does not change the theme of any browser, so you have Firedragon with Sweet and the system with Catpuccin. People would need to manually change its theme (Catpuccin exists for Firefox so it is possible).

It will require also a lot of small detail adjustments, the kind of details that make a Theme look like crap if they are not polished and consistent throughout the system.

But yes I do want to create an alternative, that would be Catpuccin, I have started working on this a while back but since it’s a long process the progress isn’t fast. :frowning:


The only important thing for me would be that there isn’t so much pink in it again.


Yeah I noticed how difficult it is to remove the pink :rofl: when I tried to apply Catpuccin to Firedragon and then I saw that violet/blue icon
we are using as the logo… oops, no go with Catpuccin yet. :rofl:

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The purple is very hard to read in certain places like the url line in firedragon. I h ad to change it to the dark theme so I could read the url and tabs.

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I think if you apply any Firefox theme to Firedragon it should change the URL bar color as well to match that theme.

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It’s all a matter of taste, my eyes can no longer tolerate light-coloured themes.
So I change it to suit my needs.


That’s a one-minute thing, if I found the SVG file.

Mauve to Lavender?


ok to put a spanner in the works?
when garuda started it was two?
now its more ?
Is it about the few or the many users.
What sells?

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Maroon :smiley:

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Probably, but the integration of the right icon with the right Firedragon theme is different. If someone installs the ISO, which is Dr460nzied, then changes the theme to Catpuccin, something must change the Firedragon logo at the same time.

I have not gone deep into it yet, but I know the logo is built/compiled into Firedragon before the browser is installed.

But we are getting too far into the suggestion here, this is solution, not suggestion. We are aware it would be good to offer a more trendy theme, which is why I started looking into it couple months ago with @dr460nf1r3 . :smiley: Once more effort is put there, I’m hoping it would lead to something.


It is a lot more toned down for sure :smiley:


But it need also darker colors or another artist :smiley:

down right are