Chaotic-AUR turns six years old on October 18! 🥳

I’m forwarding this from the Chaotic-AUR news channel - we are of course also collecting screenshots with Garuda logos, like last time. As members of the Garuda community, you people are an extended part of Chaotic-AUR’s community as well after all :smiling_face:

Side note: you may upload the screenshots here as well.

It has been three years since celebrating Chaotic-AUR’s birthday with a memorial.
We would love to repeat this occasion this year, as it’s exactly double the years as the last time! :smiling_face:

Let’s see what happened in the meantime :male_detective:

  • Our user count is currently around 107k per month;
  • The amount of offered packages is roughly 3400 (after a big cleanup happening)
  • Active mirror count decreased to 12, but the CDN-mirror is powered by blazing-fast Cloudflare R2 these days
  • The website got a complete rewrite and now offers a lot of useful functionality, such as viewing package lists and stats, build processes, and more information
  • Though not directly Chaotic-AUR-related, the Chaotic-CX spaces gained a new project via Chaotic Nyx
  • And there is something else really cool coming up at the day the birthday takes place (you might guess what it is - it’s been hinted at in several places :yum:) ! Stay tuned! :innocent:

This time, we will also collect screenshots of terminals and desktops showing fastfetch with the Chaotic-AUR logo. To take part in this special day, the following is needed:

  • fastfetch (get it via Arch repos)
  • The Chaotic-AUR logo
  • Run fastfetch like that: fastfetch --logo ~/Downloads/logo.png --logo-width 45, replacing the location with the location the logo has been downloaded to, and width with something that makes the image fit the height of your fastfetch output
  • Take a screenshot and either add a PR to the memorial repo, send it to, @dr460nf1r3 or the Chaotic-AUR group chat

Submissions will close on October 18, the day the birthday takes place.

A big thanks to everyone helping us with achieving the things we did during the last years. It certainly wouldn’t be the same without you! :heart:


Uploading my screenshot. Let me know if I didn’t do it like yall want.

Adding this with the chaotic-aur logo to cover all bases.

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it should have the logo :slightly_smiling_face:


It has the logo doesn’t it? The big G? First post says garuda logo is also accepted.

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Hmm… it is said also

So, I thought the main screenshot is needed is with chaotic logo .
That’s all my brain translator says about it :slightly_smiling_face:

can’t say if my translator gave me the right meaning or not .

While the Chaotic-AUR logo is preferred, either is absolutely fine. Thanks for contributing! :partying_face:


Wow, that’s a lot of potential screenshots!

Dr460nized is just as good today as it was back then, just a few touches here and there and it’s exactly the way I like KDE :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: happy to be back on the distro, I’ve missed it a lot!


I’m not sure which is better on the eyes so I did both. @dr460nf1r3


Two more days remaining until submissions are closing! :smiling_face:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Missing Garuda fastfetch logo

Already sent my PR! Thanks Chaotic AUR!

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