Missing Garuda fastfetch logo

Mine didn’t run as the actual png logo, it ran my shells neofetch like logo. I did use fast fetch though…

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Check the .config/fish/config.fish file

## Run fastfetch if session is interactive
if status --is-interactive && type -q fastfetch
   fastfetch --config dr460nized.jsonc
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I checked my config.fish file and mine looks different by default, it calls fastfetch --config neofetch.jsonc
I am new to fastfetch and I have only used Garuda once before. If there are documentations you would recommend I read please suggest them to me and I will get right on that. I am aware it is a one of a kind distro and I may have to read things to get things to work properly.

Just change/edit the text i post with yours and open new konsole window.
neofetch.jsonc to dr460nized.jsonc

Please, no pictures from text or terminal.


Ok, that worked, thanks very much. I will edit that post and remove the screenshot.

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No need.


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