Any chance we can get Audacious Media Player updated to the new beta from four days ago?
It defaults to Qt6 (and GTK3).
Am also wondering the same about a Qt6 build of Avidemux (although I’m not sure it’s defaulted to Qt6, though it does support Qt6 I presume on account of the -git package being compiled against Qt6 without any specific patch to support it).
That’s something you’ll have to rely on the AUR maintainer for the update. It seems that the pkgbase for avidemux provides all versions at once. The deps are qt5/6 because that base builds each one. Search for lines with msg2.
Can we please get Opera back on Chaotic AUR. It’s listed as an option when installing Garuda, but doesn’t install. Forced to go to AUR to actually download and compile it. Used to be an option, but seems package is no longer available.
Opera will not be coming back. It’s a binary download, so there’s not that much to actually do to install it. You can use garuda-update -a to update AUR packages, or set a garuda-update config option to update your AUR packages by default.
I am philosophically, politically, emotionally, and vehemently opposed to anything related to Bitcoin, bitcoin mining, etc. When power grids, the environment, and people need electrical energy for their existence, things like bitcoin mining make me want to puke. And the same thoughts extend to those who create or use the applications.
The FreeIPA client packages are not working. He asked about another package, oddjob-selinux , but it is also not working. Additionally, while enrolling the client machine using the command sudo ipa-client-install --mkhomedir , an error appears, stating “unable to convert the attribute ca certificate binary” and “cannot obtain CA certificate.”
You should have added that the error occurs when installing freeipa-client from chaotic-aur because the dependency oddjob-selinux is missing.
Post your problem here:
Any chance on getting Thunderbird global menu added since it now has a good? active maintainer. it just takes quite long to build each update. If I knew anything on maintaining I would try but I think its beyond my skills at the moment.
This implies it had a bad maintainer before… this seems to be an entirely new package. I wonder what happened to thunderbird-appmenu, which now seems to be gone. Didn’t investigate yet, do you know by chance?
I wonder, why is this not reported by anyone on AUR? We don’t even make use of Selinux. What’s the relation here? If it’s really missing we should report it to AUR to have it fixed for everyone.
The old maintainer stopped maintaining it around the time kde 5.27 came out or just a bit after. The build was kinda broken after with you having to skip some checks an then the key stopped working. An about that time the new person made a version an took over an has been updating it ever since. thats about all I know, not sure why the old one is off other then the maintainer vanishing.
This is exactly the same in the AUR - oddjob-selinux is missing and if you skip that, then freeipa-client will not work correctly. @elite has already mentioned the rest.
I have no idea why no one has complained about it yet