Chaotic-AUR | Packages | Requests | Recompilation | Reports

This is also done now :wink:



Could gcc11 and gcc11-libs be added? There's a AUR library that uses it and it's a REAL pain to compile!

I can try building it for sure! GCC always was a behemoth to build, I remember it from Gentoo days :cowboy_hat_face:


A post was merged into an existing topic: 'clinfo' terminated by signal SIGABRT

This is now available! :slight_smile:


Just out of curiosity, long did it take? :slight_smile:

Why does pamac-nosnap conflict with gnome-software, whereas pamac-aur doesn't?

Repository      : chaotic-aur
Name            : pamac-nosnap
Version         : 10.5.1-1
Conflicts With  : pamac  pamac-all  pamac-gtk  pamac-cli  pamac-common  pamac-aur  pamac-aur-git
                  pamac-flatpak  pamac-flatpak-gnome  gnome-software  gnome-software-git

There are many packages in the conflict list that no longer even exist.
I suppose the conflict list is outdated.
Even the package itself is outdated.
You could replace it with pamac-all, that's up-to-date. Otherwise, there's no need for it, if it isn't for flatpaks, we have pamac-aur

Repository      : chaotic-aur
Name            : pamac-aur
Version         : 11.0.1-2
Conflicts With  : pamac  pamac-tray-appindicator  pamac-cli
1 Like

Gotta ask the package maintainer.

We banned Snapd, so no pamac-all in Chaotic :cowboy_hat_face: I agree that this needs to be updated - notified the AUR maintainer and flagged it out of date… lets see.


2 hours to build, great! At least I won't have to spend those 2 hours on every build anymore.

Told you it was kind of a pain...

(how long did it take to build on 6-year-old laptops? 3 days? High suicide rate)

That is 2hrs of his own time + power so you can have a life how better can it get for you ? It does not matter that there are more important things to do like fix Garuda.

Server builds it automatically in the background


sorry to disturb you nico but I think you might need to look at this

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing virtualbox (7.0.10-1) breaks dependency 'virtualbox=7.0.8' required by virtualbox-ext-oracle

I think it's time to rebuild virtualbox-ext-oracle in chaotic-aur

╰─λ paru -Si virtualbox-ext-oracle
Repository      : chaotic-aur
Name            : virtualbox-ext-oracle
Version         : 7.0.8-1
Description     : Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
Architecture    : any
URL             :
Licenses        : custom:PUEL
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : virtualbox=7.0.8
Optional Deps   : rdesktop: client to connect vm via RDP
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 2.45 MiB
Installed Size  : 2.47 MiB
Packager        : Nico Jensch <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Wednesday 19 April 2023 04:31:04 AM
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

╭─siddharth@siddharth in ~ as 🧙 took 1s
╰─λ paru -Si aur/virtualbox-ext-oracle
Repository      : aur
Name            : virtualbox-ext-oracle
Version         : 7.0.10-1
Description     : Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
URL             :
AUR URL         :
Groups          : None
Licenses        : custom:PUEL
Provides        : None
Depends On      : virtualbox=7.0.10
Make Deps       : None
Check Deps      : None
Optional Deps   : rdesktop
Conflicts With  : None
Maintainer      : seblu
Votes           : 1368
Popularity      : 3.727477
First Submitted : Fri, 24 Dec 2010 16:48:19 +0000
Last Modified   : Tue, 18 Jul 2023 21:30:01 +0000
Out Of Date     : No
1 Like

Noticed today that 'thunderbird-appmenu' in chaotic-aur is a really old version 102.10. There is a 'thunderbird-appmenu' in AUR that is at the new 115 version talked about here;

Can this be updated?


Something seems to have been wrong with it for a while now. Turns out that there's an extra SKIP that shouldn't exist, which seems to have been added in the last commit that replaced existing md5sums. I built it for now, but I'll mark the package out of date with that reason, and it'll rebuild as normal when the nightly routine runs. In the meantime: Finished making: thunderbird-appmenu 115.0.1-5 :slight_smile:


Thank you! I just updated, WOW, what a nice new interface. I did need to import my old Thunderbird profile and I see that the old version 102 had the profile in .mozilla/thunderbird...and I think the new 115 has it back to .thunderbird, just fyi if people are migrating.


Hi all.

looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing libcamera (0.1.0-1) breaks dependency '' required by pipewire-common-git
:: installing libcamera (0.1.0-1) breaks dependency '' required by pipewire-common-git

please trigger a rebuild for olive-git:

olive-editor: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Done, thanks!



Could you do your magic for yt-dlp-git?