Battery element won't display on garuda i3wm

I am tempted to try and reinstall the image I have to see if the problem repeats itself... pin point where it was.

but at the same time... I'm also excited to cutomize my new thinkpad :stuck_out_tongue:

No, i3 is a very minimal system. When you misconfigure something it usually just silently fails, then you are stuck hacking around in config files for hours only to discover you had an extra quotation mark somewhere or something. :laughing:

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Oh... so... basicly C class all over again.

How fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

Errors in .config/i3/config you got big red stripe at top bar with hints.
Status bar you get empty places or "err" parts or all is empty.

But if you look at the original picture there isn't an error.

You must agree there is something else going on.

Bruh I work a help desk job, I know EXACTLY how you feel :joy:

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