Battery element won't display on garuda i3wm

Okay, try that in the config file the same way.

removing pango and the <span> elements (because they displayed as plain text) shows the info correctly. it's something with pango, or how text is processed.

What is pango set to in .config/i3/config?

font pango: source code pro 10

edit: when I plug in to the charger I get a invalid bytes in UTF8 string I assume a problem with the status_chr characters... intresting

it's the up arrow symbol

Try changing to another font and see what happens.

font pango: DejaVuSansMono 10

same results :frowning:

Hmm, I'm going to have to sleep on this one I'm afraid and take another look tomorrow.

When you have a chance, can you post a screenshot of what the bar looks like when it "kinda" works, with the pango, et cetera commented out?

Okay, this might be a stupid question but how is that different from what you want it to be?

Fair... I guess removing the markup was the real solution.

that being said... I do still want to be able to set colors to the text.


battery 0 {
format = "<span color='#008bef'> %status %percentage %remaining %emptytime</span>"


No need here to remove pango :slight_smile:

:point_up: Yes, this is the solution (specifying a color hex after the opening span), however I think markdown needs to be enabled for that to work. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

We need to figure out why the markdown is not working.

we disabled markup... it seems to make everything dissapear, see the convo above we had (this morning in my time...) a few hours ago :slight_smile:

It works here out of the box, so I never study something about.

man i3status

       i3bar supports Pango markup, allowing your format strings to specify font,
       color, size, etc. by setting the markup directive to "pango". Note that the
       ampersand ("&"), less-than ("<"), greater-than (">"), single-quote ("'"),
       and double-quote (""") characters need to be replaced with "&amp;", "&lt;",
       "&gt;", "&apos;", and "&quot;" respectively. This is done automatically for
       generated content (e.g. wireless ESSID, time).

Samples there are too high for me :slight_smile:

Example configuration:

           general {
               output_format = "xmobar"
               separator = "  "

           order += "load"
           order += "disk /"

           load {
               format = "[ load: %1min, %5min, %15min ]"
           disk "/" {
               format = "%avail"

There are no hex values, maybe I mixed something wrong, but it works here. :joy:

What is the default value in .config/i3/config for font pango?

Welp, I re-enabled markup with pango, it works now for some god unknown reason...

My suspect is that the hex wasn't valid or somethin... but don't i3 thorw a very verbose error when stuff like that happen on i3status?

# set font
font pango: source code pro

mine has a 10 at the end

That's the value from /etc/skel/.config/i3/config, without 10 are from my settings :slight_smile:

If all work now for you, I must not change things in gitlab.