A Gorgeous KDE Plasma setup

Quick update:
Replaced Kde's default menu with Menu 11

Updated latte config:


I'm sorry to burst the bubble but i hope the real thing is not as blurry as those screenshots, why is it imitating win7, Budgie, and Mac


Not at all an issue, your comment are all welcome

It might be because I have a 1366*768 resolution or a network issue of yours

I don’t know if I am imitating, but I like it this way!

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I'm not putting it down Really perhaps its the way it comes over on the net.
Its your baby and as long as you are happy fine by me :+1:


These are my custom touchpad gesture:

  1. Show Desktop Grid
    (Settings-->Work Space-->Workspace Behaviour-->Desktop Effects)
  2. Close current window
  3. Switch to Next Desktop
    (Settings-->Work Space-->Shortcuts-->System Services-->KWin)
  4. Switch to Previous Desktop
    (Settings-->Work Space-->Shortcuts-->System Services-->KWin)
  5. Show Desktop
    (Settings-->Work Space-->Shortcuts-->System Services-->KWin)
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New Desktop effect (inspired from Garuda Dragonized):


An updated latte-config with minor changes:

An updated latte-config with minor changes:

You can also check this out: GitHub - jorgebucaran/awsm.fish: A curation of prompts, plugins & other resources for Fish. 🐚
If you want to apply new Fish Prompts, over Garuda's default Starship prompt, you will have to comment out the Starship prompt section in .config/fish/config.fish

 GNU nano 5.9                                   .config/fish/config.fish                                             
## Set values
# Hide welcome message
set fish_greeting
set -x MANPAGER "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"

## Export variable need for qt-theme
if type "qtile" >> /dev/null 2>&1
   set -x QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME "qt5ct"

# Set settings for https://github.com/franciscolourenco/done
set -U __done_min_cmd_duration 10000
set -U __done_notification_urgency_level low

## Starship prompt
#if status --is-interactive
#   source ("/usr/bin/starship" init fish --print-full-init | psub)

This is my Konsole configuration:

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how did you get your top pannel to be round like that? That looks slick.

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  • Hide floating gap for maximised windows
  • Maximum length
  • radius
    These are the parameters you might have to change

Updated latte-config:

Altered a few blur options:


Wow, what a thoughtful and well documented thread.

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An updated latte-config: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11cRV8JCWfJxiu4A2DdkuJLYTkPv9_Bze/view?usp=sharing

Removed ditto menu from the top bar(didn't seem to be of much use)

  • Installed Ulauncher, a beautiful app-launcher (kinda like krunner but better looking.) (krunner has more functionalities I suppose!)

    sudo pacman -S ulauncher

    Here are some beautiful Ulauncher themes you can check out: Ulauncher Color Themes · GitHub

    I use 'transparent-adwaita'. You can install this theme by:

  1. Copy or git clone this repo(https://github.com/kalenpw/transparent-adwaita.git) to ~/.config/ulauncher/user-themes

  2. And select the theme in Ulauncher setings.

If you are running a Wayland session, you would have to check this out to fix the hot-key issue in Wayland session:


Bruh.. Loved the way u maintained this thread :raised_hands: :raised_hands:
I just wanted to confirm does windows button applet working for You ??
I'm using the kde neon its not working at all, although it used to work fine in garuda ..


Those glassy/blurry things look good in desktop screen shots but are really unbearable to work with when actually using the OS. With very dark tint they are much better.

Latte dock. I hate that stuff so much.

But great tips for customization. Appreciate it.

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Thanks :wink:

Yeah, it’s working for me.
You can try building it from the source:

Thank you for your feedback.
This thread is a place you can share/take ideas and all kinds of suggestions are welcome.
Though I might not implement your ideas here, you can always change them on your desktop.

If you prefer a darker shade you can try changing the opacity in the latte dock settings, and blur effects


I don't use latte, but those same adjustments can be done on the native KDE panels. Do you keep Latte just for the looks? It has been super buggy as of... well, always. I also find that the dock takes up a lot of screen space.

That’s not true, though the native KDE panel is minimalistic and great in itself, latte-dock gives you a lot of options and the possibilities are endless.
You can also find a lot of preconfigured configs for latte-dock like mine.

Like you, I too at first hesitated to use latte-dock, but latte-dock was so much more configurabe than native KDE panels, so I just made a switch.

And latte-dock is not at all that buggy as you think.

If you prefer a minimal panel then you are good to go with native KDE panels.
But it you want to control panel sizes, radius, opacity, blur, sidebars…
You can check out latte dock.

Latte dock can also look minimal if you want it to be.