yeh, i thought so, since there is no switch on the controller like on my mouse where i can choose between bt and radio
btw, whats just popping up my mind, maybe its helpful …
the combo of xscreensaver, xss-settings and controller was working well until some update 6-9 months ago…
since then i couldnt enter the settings, the cuts between the saverpics became “transparent” and showed the screen inbetween and those activations while ingame. im afraid i waited this long and just endured in hope some upcoming update would fix it though
and another thing i found, how about joystickwake ? but i also found that on some mint-forum
i have the script finished and it runs on my pc. But i dont know if it works on your pc.
i have to go a quick shopping before the shops are closing,when im back. i will write how you create the script and let them run and check it ifs help for you.
joystickwake i heard of it im not sure it was for debian?
this sounds great
sure sure, just curious for your german flag, what shops have open on sunday, since our nice Ladenschlussgesetz?
at least there is some bump flagged debian from 9 months ago …
yupp im back =)
i dont live in germany im in ireland =) tja ladenschluss ist hier immer um 22 uhr ausser sonntags 21 uhr lol .
shops open in ireland until 10pm only on sunday 9pm =)
if you open your settings ->Gamecontroller-> which device its found with the event name?
my is /dev/input/event16 as for example
i see , lucky you
its the same (also, it is named as a model S )
nice its same event so we can try the script is working for you .
first for testing is not as an startup working solution but we can do it as startup or you start it if you want play games and stop it over System monitor .
- Create a text file first ive called my one as in my Dokumente Folder. i used Kate for it.
copy and paste into the file and safe it again.
# written by Duke187
# Function to check if the Xbox controller is active
is_xbox_controller_active() {
# List the input devices and check for Xbox controller
if ls /dev/input/event16 | xargs -I {} evtest {} | grep -q "Xbox"; then
return 0 # Xbox controller is active
return 1 # Xbox controller is not active
# Main loop
while true; do
if is_xbox_controller_active; then
# Disable xscreensaver if Xbox controller is active
xscreensaver-command -deactivate
# Optional: Prevent xscreensaver from activating (you can comment this line out if not needed)
xset s off
# Reactivate xscreensaver if not active
xscreensaver-command -activate
xset s on
# Wait for a short interval before checking again in seconds
sleep 30
- rename the file from endings .txt to sh.
- right click on the file and make it executable.
- double click for run the file.
- Start playing a game and see if it works.
- close the game and see if xscreensaver comes back.( i set xscreensaver for 2 minutes for testing)
my output if i press any button on the controller.
dude@dude in ~
╰─λ xscreensaver
^[[6~^[[6~ ^[[6~^X^Cxscreensaver: 19:48:36: SIGINT received: exiting
my is named as model X =)
duuude :D, this is quite awsome
but sadly its not really working as intended
first, what is working now, that i can exit the screensaver with the controller, in desktop (also i can strangely now move the curser and browse firefox with it too )
but now the screensaver kicks in every 30 seconds (guess that is the sleep-timer i could raise) but when i start the game it will also start it after 30 seconds and then, it wont exit with the controller (just mouse) although the controller is on and i can browse the menu with it… )
i followed your steps, between 4. and 5. there popped up a box that wanted a confirmation that a file wants to read the device input, that i accepted (befor that it didnt work at all)
i named the file in /home/wirr , but when i try to enter that in cmd it just says it cannot find it
find-the-command: "xss-controller" is not found locally, searching in repositories...
find-the-command: /var/cache/pkgfile/*.files are out of date, update? [Y/n] n
find-the-command: command not found: "xss-controller"
PS: updating gave me a couple of errors for xone:
(4/5) Remove DKMS modules
Error! nvidia/530.41.03: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/535.113.01: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/535.54.03: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/535.98: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/550.54.14: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/550.76: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/550.90.07: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/555.58: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/565.77: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
**Error! xone/0.3: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.**
**Manual intervention is required!**
**==> dkms remove --no-depmod nvidia/570.86.16 -k 6.13.3-zen1-1-zen**
**==> dkms remove --no-depmod xone/0.3.r94.g6b9d59a -k 6.13.3-zen1-1-zen**
Error! nvidia/530.41.03: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/535.113.01: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/535.54.03: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/535.98: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/550.54.14: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/550.76: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/550.90.07: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/555.58: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
Error! nvidia/565.77: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.
Manual intervention is required!
**Error! xone/0.3: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it.**
**Manual intervention is required!**
**==> dkms remove --no-depmod nvidia/570.86.16 -k 6.12.15-1-lts**
**==> dkms remove --no-depmod xone/0.3.r94.g6b9d59a -k** 6.12.15-1-lts
==> depmod 6.13.3-zen1-1-zen
==> depmod 6.12.15-1-lts
so i’ll reboot and try again
ookay, after rebooting
this part disappeared (guess it was the steam setting- allow controller, which i disabled after enabling it yesterday)
second, in systemsettings, the gamecontroller is now named -/event11 what i then also changed in the script, but with no effect
(minor thing aside, it is still booting into wayland and i have to log out to switch it, where can i set that to default?)
First, that´s old dkms stuff from older nvidia-dkms drivers and only a message about it.
Delete inside /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/ all except your “active” nvidia (570.86.16), the source link and “active” kernel folders. Take a look inside /usr/lib/modules/.old/. If there exists inside folders → pls delete.
Is this active ?
thanks for your help too
just to make sure, there are also some “named” folders too
like really all of them, or just the “numbered” ones?
did that
ah yes, that was it, thanks
wow and lol
How many kernels you have installed ? Normal are 2 perhaps 3 but more, hmm.
Pls delete all unused kernel folders… only the kernel folders that you have installed. (kernel lts now 6.12.16 + zen now 6.13.4)
If you have kernel and installed → you should deinstall and delete also these entries inside dkms. You have the newest 6.12.xx-lts kernel.
Older lts kernels make then no sense (my mind)
All old nvidia except the 570.86.16.
Folder original-module, on my systems does not exist but i´m not using a lts kernel.(perhaps that´s the reason)
well, actually only those two (lts and zen) (in the beginning i also had the amd-kernel, but i deinstalled it last year when i figured i didnt use it at all… )
now i deleted them except the current ones and the original module, thanks for helping me cleaning up
Then back to your problem or better what your prefer
with your controller and screensaver.
You don´t like to touch the mouse / keyboard to kill the screensaver.
One question,
why you need a screensaver. Look and feel or to spare hardware ?
my pc is my couch-setup, running all day long, reading news, playing music, watching movies and playing games, i have set the screensaver to slideshow when im afk but still in the room, actual point is not that i dont want to use mouse to kill it, but that its randomly,suddenly activating when im playing with controller only (imagine you are just fighting a boss level and suddenly screensaver kicks in)(ah, and im also playing a lot by m+k, where its not a problem, as im moving mouse while playing)
(and it did work well like this for like 2 years, but with some update last year (probably plasma) it became buggy like now and i ignored too long hoping it would fix “by itself”, sorry)
If the look is not so important for you then use
KDE Systemsettings → Sperrbildschirm
(you can use this option for both (x11 / wayland)
And change “Hintergrundbild Typ” to what you like.
Then you don`t need a screensaver. Use example " Diashow." Make a new folder inside the new tab. Copy the images which ever you like and…voila …if you use then your controller it should works. (on my system it works well with wayland)
But without password ( you don´t like keystroks)
Take a look in your energy settings → lock screen after sleep or what ever, is not so good
Deactivate all related stuff or change to the right values.
oohhh well, sometimes its just that easy ,
has it always been there? i remember i couldnt find a screensaver and a friend (who introduced me to modern linux, but uses fedora) told me that there are no native screensavers and i would have to use xscreensaver instead
by “the looks” you mean that there are some habbits to it that has been solved by xss “nicer” ? like, the propriarity one is showing a blackscreen at first before sliding to the first pic? or that xss has those moving and sliding diashow? would be nice to have in the propriatary one of course, but i think i can live with that … for that, it is working with the games indeed and that is more important
so im going to mark this as solved
thank you all for your patient help, with everything that popped up in this topic, especially to duke and your strive to even write some code to help, it would have been nice to keep the xss as i got used to the sliding pictures, but i guess this is the easiest solution and i dont want to cause more work than i already did